Orange County NC Website
io <br />~c~ Joinf r'lin~, ~e~ign, and N9an~~emenf of ohool and Pa- i#~: It i~ <br />recomr~r~ded that grange bounty, with dedicated stiff resources and with ~ progr~rn for land ~~~ <br />acquisition and a role in school siting, should take the I~ad role in coordinating they ~fforks. <br />~d~ ~ublicl~riuale ~~rfnorhips: The Work Croup considered and expressed tho <br />imporkance of establishing partnerships to coordinate recreational Hoods and plannod facilities. <br />~} ~1ain~ ~pifal Facililr'e ~lanninloo~dinafed Land A~uisifion: A meeting of the <br />Managers of each jurisdiction i recommended to develop ~ plan for coordination of long-term land <br />acquisition. With land prices continuing to escalate and little land available for parks within the Town <br />jurisdictions, action i needed in the immediate future to coordinate these effork and begin the process ~. <br />~~ Chan Facili~ie policy: In the spirit of inter-governmental coordination, the Work ~~ <br />Croup believes that all bounty citizens should have the opporkunity to use facilities within the bounty, <br />regardless of their jurisdiction of residency. Attempts to restrict use will result in cumbersome <br />adrr~initrative work end is not constructive in the collaborative future of arks <br />tannin . <br />p p g <br />fig} ~aymerrf+in-~i~c~ l~ar~es: After considerable discussion and review, the Work <br />Croup finds thatth~ e~cisting payment-in-lieu programs are not likely to produce sufficientfunds to meet 'i <br />long-term needs, It is recommended that ~rar~ge bounty and arrboro develop plans to match other I~ <br />funding with the current payment+in-lieu funds to use these resources, Even with its limitations, the <br />e~cisting payment-in-lieu programs should b kept and modified wherever passible, The potential for an <br />impactfee or ~mpactta should be explored, using existing legislation. <br />~h~ Add-~sir~~ ~~cislin~ Nd: While more thorough standards aro needed, ~ <br />population-based standard from the ~g As~~mbly of Covornments report was u~d to deterr~ine '~ <br />needs for parklands. Lying this standard, the bounty as a whole has a current deficit of X45 acres of <br />parkland. Wi#h epecked population growth, the bounty and Towns combined will have a deficit of ~,5 <br />acres by the year ~~. Eased on average land sales ~w~ighted for urban and rural lands and existing <br />bond f~,nds, the cost of purchasing lands to erase the Iong-term daficit is ~ 0. ~ million in ~ g99 dollars. ~'~ <br />Since this will only rise in the future, the Work Croup again recommends action in terms of land <br />acquisition. <br />~i} [use of ~rrer~l Fundy and Future F~rndin~-1Veed~: While it may ba more practical '~~ <br />to develop recreational facilities aver time as the population incraases, a morn proactive approach to <br />land acquisition is needed to identify ar~d purchase sites that offer both active ar~d Iow-impact recreation ~~ <br />potential. Matching funds from diffarent jurisdictions should ba an important componant, and an acreage <br />threshold and additional standards for joint schoollpark sites are also warranted. To address Iong-term <br />needs, the Work Croup recommends: <br />~~~ The remaining ,fig million for land acquisition fror~ a bounty parks <br />bond should be used for acquisition of lands identified as sites for Iong~term acquisition as soon as <br />possibly, <br />~~ The remainder of the ~ ~ million in long-term land acquisition should be <br />addressad through an ~ million parks band placed before the voters in Novamber ~Oo. The darks and <br />resource Lends council should develop the specifics of the band proposal. ',~ <br />Manager Link stated that the Work Croup report was presented for informational purposes and <br />recommends that the Board consider the recommendations from the Work Croup, and discuss referral to <br />advisory boards. The report is slated to be formally presented at the September X0,1 g~ Assembly of <br />Covemm~nts meeting. <br />4. ~~~ort * Waterand Sewer Mana~emer~t Planning and ~aundaryA~reer~ent. <br />The purpose of this agenda item is to receive ~ report on tha work of tha Water and Sewer <br />Service Eoundary Task Force and review the final version of the Water and Sewer Management <br />planning and boundary Agreement. <br />The electad board of Orange bounty, chapel dill, arrboro, and hlillsborough, and the <br />appointed Orange Water and Sewer Authority ~~WASA} Board of Direc#ors adopted resolutions in April <br />~g94 to ornate a 1lvator and Sewer Service Boundary Task Forca to develop water acrd sewer service <br />boundaries forthe bounty's service providers. commissioner Moses Garay served ~ chair for the Task <br />Force that began mooting in ,dune 1 gg4. In December ~ 9g4, the Task Force issued a preliminary report <br />