Orange County NC Website
Goal Initiated/Proposed By: Board of County Commissioners / Agricultural Districts Advisory Board <br />Most Recent Version Adopted by BOCC: November, 1997 <br />STATUS REPORT <br />This initiative represents the continuation of a goal first identified by the Board in FY 1992 -93. For FY 99 -00, the goal <br />focuses on promotion of the Voluntary Agricultural Districts program, public education on the benefits of farmland <br />preservation and followup from the February 1999 Agricultural Summit in the shape of meetings with stakeholders in <br />agriculture, which will also build on ideas from the Shaping Orange County's Future effort. The objectives in this goal are <br />consistent with revisions made to the goal in the fall -of 1998. <br />q <br />Continuing activities in the farmland preservation prograrim, will involve `the following commitment of existing staff resources: <br />Land Use /Preservation Planner, ERC Director, ERC GIS Coordinator, District Conservationist, Economic Development <br />Director, Cooperative Extension Director, as well as the ERC and Planning Administrative Assistants. <br />