Orange County NC Website
FY 1999 -2000 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF CONMSSIONERS <br />PROPOSED GOAL <br />03/31/99 <br />Staff costs involved in expanding the Efland sewer systen are estimated to range from $75,000 to $100,000 over the next three years and will <br />be incurred by the County departments of Budget; Finance, Purchasing and County Manager. <br />Engineering costs for preparation of environmental assessments and other reports, preparation of construction plans (with associated survey <br />expenses) and specifications will be in the $150,000 to $330,000 range, depending on the consultant's scope of service and the extent of the <br />expansion project (number of phases, etc.). Construction inspection and administration may add another $50,000 to $150,000 in engineering <br />costs. Overall costs for construction, contingencies, engineering, surveying and legal and easement acquisition costs are estimated to range <br />from $1,200,000 to more than $4,100,000, depending on the overall or ultimate scope of the project (additional phases and the extent - if any - <br />of sewer construction to and within the Buckhorn Road EDD and the Perry Hills neighborhood) and the impact of the Neuse River water <br />quality protection regulations on construction activities along McGowan Creek. The viability of any sewer expansion project beyond the <br />remaining portion of Phase I and Phase II depends on the County expending funds for the additional engineering design services required to <br />attract grant funds; the reallocation of bond funds or the acquisition of;grant-funds sufficient to cover up to fifty percent of overall project costs <br />for additional expansion areas or phases; and the development of a 'service arealcustomer base of sufficient economic capacity to bear the <br />significant expense of constructing and operating an expanded sewer system.- The passage of the state utility infrastructure bond has <br />injected a significant sum of money into the Clean Water Revolving Doan and Grant Fund program. The availability of additional <br />funds in this program increases Orange'County's chances, of-acquirmi g°ggratif and low interest loan funding for expansion of the sewer <br />system beyond the Phase I and II sections envisioned in the County's own Efland Sewer Expansion bond issue. If the project does <br />qualify for state grants, development costs which remain to be paid; after County bond and grant funds are expended can be financed through <br />the state's low interest revolving loans with payback generated by strategies which include sewer tax districts, assessments and adjustment of <br />sewer use rates. These .cost estimates may change, depending upon factors including the final design of the sewer system and extent of the <br />service area, fluctuations in construction and materials costs, and grant funding requirements. The lower end of the cost range shown above <br />reflects Phase I and II expansion of the sewer system as envisioned in Hazen and Sawyer's 1986 revision to the Efland Sewer Mater Plan. The <br />upper end of the cost range reflects the expansion of the sewer for all master plan phases of the Efland sewer system and to and within the <br />Buckhorn Road EDD. <br />