Agenda - 04-13-1999 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-13-1999
Agenda - 04-13-1999 - 3
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8/4/2015 3:32:32 PM
Creation date
8/6/2009 10:05:37 AM
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Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990413
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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GOAL STATEMENT: To implement an effective and responsive organizational structure for the management of solid waste processing <br />and disposal throughout Orange County, and a cost- effective array of services and facilities to achieve per capita solid waste reduction goals of <br />45 % by 2001 and 61% by 2006, with emphasis on reduction, reuse, and recycling tools. <br />Goal Initiated/Proposed By: Board of County Commissioners <br />Most Recent Version Adopted by B ®CC: May -1998 <br />For the past several years, the County Commissioners have been involved in ongoing discussions with the municipal governing boards about <br />which jurisdiction should take the lead in managing solid waste throughout Orange County. Through the Landfill Owners' Group (LOG) and <br />its' member governing boards, there has also been extensive discussion about what facilities and services should be provided to facilitate <br />achievement of established solid waste reduction goals. These goals, adopted in 1995 by the County and Towns (and reaffirmed on a number <br />of occasions since), call for reductions ih per capita waste landfilled against abase year of 1992 -93 of 45 percent by 2001, and 61 percent by <br />2006. The County Commissioners recently refined a proposal they presented to the Towns in Summer 1998, citing the conditions under which <br />the County would be willing to assume overall solid waste management authority. There appears to be growing general consensus that the <br />County should assume this responsibility. An interlocal agreement must be consummated between the County and Towns to effect this <br />arrangement, and to guarantee that there are committed partners to make a solid waste management enterprise economically viable. <br />With regard to facilities, the most pressing need at this time is to identify and develop additional construction and demolition (C &D) disposal <br />space, as the LOG's current C &D landfill space will be exhausted by early 2000. Subsequent important facility siting and development <br />decisions that will be required involve consideration of a materials recovery facility and transfer station. Another important decision will <br />involve a long -range financing plan for the construction and operation of these facilities and the provision of related solid waste services. <br />Timetables related to major facility siting, sizing, development, and operation (along with associated programs and services) will be determined <br />after the organizational structure and governance issues have been fully resolved. <br />
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