Agenda - 04-13-1999 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-13-1999
Agenda - 04-13-1999 - 3
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Last modified
8/4/2015 3:32:32 PM
Creation date
8/6/2009 10:05:37 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990413
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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GOAL STATEMENT: Develop a long -range study andplanningprocess to identify and address the impacts of various land uses and <br />waste treatment options on the quantity and quality of the ground and surface water resources of Orange County, so that these impacts can <br />be factored into long -term planning. <br />Goal Initiated/Proposed By: Board of County Commissioners <br />Most Recent Version Adopted by BOCC: April 1998 <br />This initiative represents an objective first included among the Commissioners' goals for FY 1993 -94. A Water Resources Committee was formed in 1993 to <br />oversee work in this area. Currently, the project is in the second of a three -year Ground Water Resource Investigation in conjunction with the U.S. <br />Geological Survey. Phase I of this investigation, a report on ground water recharge rates in the county, was completed in October, 1996. Data collection is a <br />continuing part of the project, with all new wells and septic tanks in the county accurately located with GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers. This <br />data resource allows for GIS mapping and coverages which can be overlain for presentation and analysis, a version of which was presented to the Board in <br />December 1998. Public education initiatives are also an important part of the project. A new service for County citizens, the Ground Water Center; began <br />operation in July, 1996. Housed in the Soil and Water District office, the Ground Water Center answers or forward, citizen inquiries and questions about <br />ground water issues <br />All activities in this project are`funded through a special project budget. The projected County funding needs for FY 99 -00 total $95,844, which <br />includes $75,115 for the final installment of the USGS resource investigation cost -share and approximately $17,000 to fund the part-time <br />Water Resources Technician. Completion of this goal will involve the following continuing commitment of existing staff resources from <br />multiple departments: ERC Director, Water Resources Technician (part- time), and ERC Administrative Assistant. Additional assistance from <br />the County Engineer, Soil and Water Office, Environmental Health and Cooperative Extension is also a part of this project. <br />
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