Orange County NC Website
FY 1999 -2000 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF CONMSSIONERS <br />PROPOSED GOAL <br />3/30/99 <br />NATURAL RESOURCES <br />GOAL STATE IoT'T: Identify, investigate and coordinate the preservation of the County's most significant natural areas <br />Goal Initiated/Proposed By: Board of County Commissioners <br />Most Recent Version Adopted by BOCC: 8/9/97 (Note: This version updates sections of the goal that have changed since 8/97) <br />STATUS REPORT <br />The Board of Commissioners completed review of resource preservation as a. function of local government with action in December, 1998 that <br />created the new Environment and Resource Conservation Department. The revised goal addresses outcomes consistent with the mission and <br />charge to the new department, as well as both previous and new objectives related to the Commission for the Environment. In their January <br />goal - setting retreat, the Commission proposed holding off on the creation of the Natural Areas Element of the Comprehensive Plan to the <br />FY2000 -01 year in order to complete thq other objectives outlined below. <br />Completion of this goal will involve 'the following commitment of existing and approved staff resources: ERC Director, Land Resource <br />Conservation Manager, ERC Administrative Assistant, ERC GIS Coordinator; and from Planning, the Transportation Planner. <br />It will also require approximately 540 volunteer hours from the Commission for the Environment. <br />