Orange County NC Website
billed on advice from the county attorney. No remedies for delinquencies and non- <br />payments are being used, also based on the attorney's advice. <br />Manager's Method — The manager has suggested the use of the annual tax mailings <br />as a vehicle for billing and collecting the fees. According to him, this is similar to <br />billings from other county agencies on the tax bill. While all the remedies for <br />collection of delinquent taxes would not apply if the fees go unpaid in this setup, <br />the collection rate would probably be much higher than it now is and current <br />remedies for non - payment would not be lost. This method would be applied to <br />both the "per inspection" and the annual "operations permit" options. <br />Financial Security <br />The final aspect of the expansion proposal discussed by the committee was the <br />financial security for repair of septic systems when they fail. The types of security <br />requirements discussed were bonding, revolving funds, escrow accounts, up front <br />replacement money, initial dual drainfield installation, and a low interest/no <br />interest capital reserve fund coming from fee augmentation. <br />The committee reached no agreement on whether a security plan was necessary for <br />all systems, which method would be better or how any plan would be <br />implemented. There was general agreement that larger and higher risk systems <br />should be under some sort of security plan for eventual repairs and that lower <br />income citizens should have access to grants or low interest loans for system <br />replacement. The county attorney.will also provide guidance on this matter before <br />the plans are finalized. <br />Page 12 of 12 <br />