Orange County NC Website
r ~~~ <br />Commissioner walker stated that the proposed budget which is being <br />reviewed does not increase services, but that an additional request had <br />been made by the Health Board for-an additional $53,000. <br />Chairman Whitted reviewed the Public Safety portion of the budget. <br />He pointed out that Central Dispatch was a new program which was a cost <br />of $126,500 to the County. Another increase in this section would be the <br />Sheriff's budget. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that approximately 1.1 million dollars is <br />being proposed for renovation of the Grady Brown School baildings for <br />County use, and also funds for renovation of the County j <br />Discussion ensued regarding 'the need far additional county space and <br />the renovation of the Grady Brown buildings. Chairman Whitted stated that <br />with the additional space at Grady Brown, this would be adequate to take <br />care of the County's space needs and provide for expansion. <br />Mrs. Barbour asked that the Chairman review the Recreation u ge <br />for the County. The Chairman stated that last year's expenditure was <br />$158,077 and recommended for this year $211,808. There were two' additional <br />program requests from Chapel Hill which amounted to $2,700 far Municipal <br />Support. <br />Marvin Silver, a Chapel Hill resident, reminded those present that <br />Southern Orange residents also paid Orange County taxes and were entitled <br />to services. The major effect of the Recreation program devised for last <br />year in Southern Orange was to make better use of school property. This <br />has been done at considerable cost effectiveness. The program thus far <br />has been very effective and the hopes are to double the time usage of the <br />school facilities. This will require additional funding by the County <br />which amounts to less than 25 percent of the total Recreation budget for <br />the County. Mr. Silver urged the County Commissioners to increase the <br />budget, or shift funds around so that Southern Orange could have the good <br />Recreation Program that is proposed. <br />An unidentified female inquired about the requirements far receiving <br />food stamps through the Social Services Department. <br />Chairman Whitted replied that there were certain eligibility require- <br />ments which must be met in order to receive food stamps. <br />Mr. 5eaber asked the Chairman to define the word Recreation. <br />Mr. Whitted stated that recreation involves many areas, however, a <br />loose definition could be organized leisure time activity. <br />Mr. Seaber asked that the Commissioners scrutinize the budget and to <br />take out any loose money that would be~given away as rewards or prizes in <br />the ..Recreation programs. <br />Wayne Weston, Recreation Director, stated that-prizes for the <br />Recreation program are donated by the local; merchants. <br />A. representative from the.Chapei Hill Recreation Commission=spoke <br />in support of the Recreation Program in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area. <br />Lindsey Efland spoke in opposition to the appropriation to the <br />Commission on the Status of Women. He stated that he felt this was not <br />an item to fund when there are other pressing needs. <br />Mr. Ed Caldwell, a member of the Chapel Hill-Carrbo~oo used bud eta <br />spoke in support of the County programs and the County p p g <br />He reminded those present that many rules and regulation were passed <br />down from the State and Federal Governments to Local Government to be <br />administrated. He suggested that citizens write their legislators in <br />Raleigh concerning some of the laws. <br />Ben Lloyd asked that the Commissioners not spend money which they do <br />not have. He asked that the Board give special consideration to the new <br />programs which are being proposed, and if the renovation of the Grady Brown <br />buildings is not necessary, that this not be done. <br />Several persons spoke in support of the Chapel Hill Daycare Coalition. <br />