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there were State funds for the Career Ladder and energy, which have been <br />deleted. The playing field has changed and the environment has changed <br />and the County has not addressed the impact of these changes. The <br />operating policy the Board has been pursing, in terms of the District Tax, <br />has been to keep it as is and address increased allocations through the <br />Countywide property tax. <br />John Link said that because the needs of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />School system are much greater, the question becomes how to finance these <br />needs. He does not envision a successful bond when Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />School system is the only system identifying needs. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that it is clear that the District Tax is an <br />operating expense tax but people in that system can vote to expand the use <br />of the District Tax to include capital. <br />Commissioner Crowther asked about the trend of expanding the use of <br />schools for recreation, skill development, libraries, etc. He questioned <br />if these should be separated out to emphasize that schools are being used <br />for community uses other than education. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested that the County could acquire land <br />for the purpose of future school sites and in the interim use it for <br />recreation purposes. <br />Chair Carey made reference to the School Construction Standards Study <br />Committee and said that there is a policy assumption that future schools <br />will also be for community use. This is a decision that needs to be made <br />in the planning stage. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there could be schools for the purpose <br />of education and then schools that will also be used by the community. <br />The Board decided to talk further on whether or not they want to <br />change the purpose for the District Tax and present to the people for a <br />vote. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked for information on how schools are being <br />used for daycare and after school programs from each school system. He <br />would like to know how the facilities are being utilized now. He feels <br />that schools should be designed with the community in mind. <br />Chair Carey feels that all schools should provide some community <br />space. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she would like to talk about (1) how to pay <br />for startup costs, (2) identification of future school sites, (3) <br />allocation of recurring capital funds and (4) whether Orange County needs <br />a school in Bingham Township. <br />John Link will provide the present methods for paying for new <br />schools. <br />RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE STATE'S EFFORT TO ADDRESS LOCAL SCHOOL FACILITY <br />NEEDS <br />Commissioner Crowther suggested adding another "Whereas" to address <br />community use and it was decided not to do this. <br />Chair Carey made reference to the 5th Whereas and suggested adding <br />verbiage to indicate the total cumulative percentage over the last five <br />years for student increase and note that expenditures and investments have <br />far outsurpassed the County's revenues for this purpose. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested adding to the resolution verbiage which <br />would recognize the County's effort in addressing capital needs. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested adding to the resolution verbiage <br />about the equivalent cents on the tax rate and the amount paid to debt <br />