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5 <br />G. CHASE HOLLOW _ PRELIMINARY PLAT <br />The property is located on the east side of New Sharon Church <br />Road south of Walker Road, in Eno Township. Fourteen lots are proposed <br />out of 29.94 acres. All lots will be served by individual wells and <br />septic tanks. The Board approved the Preliminary Plan for Chase Hollow <br />per the Resolution of Approval as presented in the agenda and on file in <br />the Clerk's office. <br />H. STONE KNOLL SUBDIVISION = PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />The property is located in Chapel Hill Township on the west side <br />of Old NC86 southwest of Calvander in the University Lake Watershed <br />portion of the Rural buffer. A cluster subdivision is proposed with <br />fourteen residential lots ranging in size from 1.18 to 5.16. The Board <br />approved the preliminary plan for Stone Knoll Subdivision per the <br />resolution of approval as presented in the agenda and on file in the <br />Clerk' s office . <br />I. HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION - CHANGE IN MEMBERSHIP <br />This item was considered after the Consent Agenda. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE BOARD Off' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />A motion was made by Chair Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Crowther to approve the Rules of Procedure for the Board of County <br />Commissioners as presented changing on page 12 the number of hours the <br />agenda packet is to be delivered to the Board of County Commissioners <br />before the meeting from 24 hours to 96 hours. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I. HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION = CHANGE IN MEMBERSHIP <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />Commissioner Crowther to approve the change in the membership for the <br />Human Services Advisory Commission to include the Partnership for Young <br />Children and the Communities-in-Schools programs. Charlotte Jones was <br />appointed to the vacancy for CIS and Anita Daniels was appointed to <br />represent the Partnership for Young Children and Sue Russell was appointed <br />to the alternate position for the Partnership for Young Children. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I%. ITEMS FOR .DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. SCHOOL MP C ~ DECISION <br />The three options as listed in the agenda are noted below: <br />1. Keep public school impact fees at their current levels at <br />least until completion of the updated Technical Report and the sliding <br />scale for fees is developed. <br />2. Increase public school impact fees in both School Districts <br />to $1,500. <br />3. Differentiate between School Districts by keeping the impact <br />fee at $750 in the Orange County system and increasing the fee to $1,500 <br />in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro system. <br />John Link said that the chart on page 4 of the agenda abstract <br />which shows the number of single-family units, multi-family units and <br />mobile homes that were permitted in 1994 in each township is justification <br />for a differentiated fee. <br />