Minutes - 19950531
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19950531
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Last modified
11/13/2014 2:39:12 PM
Creation date
8/5/2009 10:05:25 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 05-31-1995
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5 <br />been in place prior to the adoption of zoning and should have been zoned <br />EC-5 Existing Commercial at the time the township was zoned. This <br />decision to rezone was appealed to Superior Court. The Court ruled that <br />the evidence submitted during the public hearing was insufficient to <br />justify the rezoning of the property and sent the case back to the Board <br />of County Commissioners for further consideration. The purpose of this <br />hearing is to provide an opportunity for any new information to be <br />submitted regarding the use of property when the township was zoned in <br />September, 1981. The staff does not have a recommendation. If based on <br />new evidence received at this hearing, the Board of County Commissioners <br />find that there was a commercial use allowed in the zoning district and <br />that use existed on the property September 2, 1981, then the Zoning <br />Officer would recommend that the current zoning of EC-5 remain. If there <br />is not new evidence presented at this hearing that would show that the <br />commercial use was in place on this property at that time, the staff <br />recommends that the property be rezoned back to Rural Buffer. <br />County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill clarified that the Board can <br />consider the information that is in this packet even though the Court <br />deemed it to be insufficient. However, the Board will need additional <br />information on which to base their decision. <br />THERE WERE NO COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OR THE PLANNING BOARD <br />NOTE: THE VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS IS IN THE <br />PERMANENT AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. THE COMMENTS LISTED BELOW <br />ARE SUMMARIZED. <br />Marion Henry Wilson, Jr., present owner of the property, said that <br />the business they run is not a salvage yard but a small automotive repair <br />shop. <br />He presented for the record pictures of his property, the property <br />adjacent to his and pictures of other businesses in the area. <br />Mr. Daryl Farrell, next door neighbor, said he owns the land on the <br />right side of Mr. Wilson. Personally, he does not have a problem with <br />this business being next to him. He feels Mr. Wilson is a very good <br />neighbor and conducts his business in a matter which he thinks he should. <br />In answer to a question, Mr. Farrell said he purchased his land in March, <br />1994. He also responded to another question saying that he had knowledge <br />of Mr. Combs prior to graduating from high school. He had been out there <br />looking for old parts when he was in high school and he remembered talking <br />to Mr. Combs. He did not have his parts but he thinks they were working <br />on cars back then. This was back in 1979. <br />Larry Reid asked for clarification in that the attorney said that <br />they have to have new evidence for the rezoning situation. He asked if <br />they were looking for receipts during the years 1980 and 1981 to prove <br />that there was a business actually being conducted there. He stands firm <br />that there was a business there. He is not sure if it was being conducted <br />in a way that it is perceived to be conducted today. But if it is a matter <br />of digging up receipts, then he believes he can do that to verify that <br />Combs did some work on a vehicle of his. <br />
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