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8 <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. 1995-2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN - OUTSTANDING ISSUES <br />This item was for the Board of County Commissioners to identify <br />any outstanding issues from the 1995-2000 CIP which will require further <br />discussion during subsequent Commissioners' meetings and/or budget work <br />sessions. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked to wait until after June 1 for <br />discussion. The Board agreed to pursue renovations to the Northern Center <br />rather than replacement. Commissioner Willhoit asked to take a look at <br />the long range cost on renovations because it may be that making the <br />facility energy efficient might change the equation. <br />John Link said that a report on automation will be given at the <br />first meeting in June. <br />B. YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES COORDINATION FUNCTION <br />The Board received an update on the plan of action for <br />improving the collaboration and coordination of the youth and family <br />services delivery system in Orange County; specifically the recommendation <br />regarding the development of an automated Information and Referral System <br />for human services. Loretta Harper, Intern with the County Manager's <br />Office, briefly outlined the executive summary included in the agenda. <br />The summary included recommendations, technical feasibility, expenses, <br />schedule for development of an I & R System and developer. She indicated <br />that the Partnership for Young Children and United Way has asked to be <br />partners in this implementation and are willing to allocate money for the <br />project. United Way would like to be the lead agency and serve as <br />administrator of the project. <br />Both agencies feel that information about services needs to be available <br />to everyone. The orange book (I & R Guide) will continue to serve as a <br />reference. This will eventually be available through a modem and <br />available to citizens in their homes. <br />Discussion ensued and Ms. Harper answered questions about access and <br />types of hardware and software that will be used in the project. The next <br />step in the process is to establish a project team and/or project <br />coordinator to begin the development process for an I & R system. In the <br />development process, the project team should complete a plan of action <br />which includes: a mission statement, referral software, funding sources, <br />operating hours and other related issues. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to endorse the concept, authorize the staff to <br />continue working with other agencies to develop project implementation and <br />accept the Smart Start funding allocation of $50,000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. PARKS AND RECREATION WORK GROUP <br />John Link asked that the Board of County Commissioners approve <br />the formation, the Charge and County appointments to the Parks and <br />Recreation Work Group. Carrboro will provide staff support. <br />A motion was made by Chair Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to approve the formation of the Work Group, approve the charge <br />to the Work Group and appoint Keith Cook and Commissioner Crowther for a <br />one year term. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />