Orange County NC Website
5 <br />E. That the Plan state that station areas will be studied in Orange <br />County for possible extension of Regional Rail Service. Examples of two <br />areas that could be studied are the vicinity of the intersection of new <br />North Carolina 86 and the Buckhorn Economic Development District area. <br />SECOND PHASE RECOMN~NDATIONS <br />A. That the Plan state that a variety of mass transit improvements <br />be implemented in the 15-501 corridor and not just fixed rail. <br />B. That the Plan emphasize the implementation and/or expansion of <br />HOV/Busway facilities that have been found feasible in the FIRST PHASE. <br />C. That the Plan state that Regional Rail service to Hillsborough <br />may be implemented in this phase (depending upon the existing and <br />forecasted ridership on the Regional Bus Service) <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VI.SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. UTILITY EXTENSION REIMBURSEMENT <br />Oli Devaud, Economic Development Assistant, stated that this <br />public hearing is for the purpose of considering utilizing the current <br />Water and Sewer Policy and Utility Extension Fund to reimburse Armstrong <br />World Industries, Inc. for improvements to the water system serving the <br />industrial area on Oakwood Street Extension. The improvement increases <br />water pressure for fire protection and will allow Armstrong to purchase <br />and expand a currently vacant building. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Carey, Mr. Devaud said that <br />Armstrong will hire 65 people and expand to 100 in one year. The pay will <br />begin at $8.00 and go to $10.00 an hour after 18 months. <br />There were no public comments and the public hearing was closed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to approve allocating a portion of the Utility <br />Extension Fund during the next two fiscal years to reimburse Armstrong for <br />the construction and engineering costs of the line improvements. <br />Reimbursement during fiscal years 1995-96 would be $50,000 with the <br />balance reimbursed in fiscal year 1996-97. Total reimbursement would not <br />exceed $100,000. Based on the current policy, Orange County has the <br />option to contribute funds for projects that have a five-year payback in <br />increased tax revenues. In this case, payback would occur in <br />approximately 25 months. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Chair Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />to approve those items on the Consent Agenda as listed below: <br />A. APPOINTMENTS <br />No appointments were made. <br />B. MINUTES <br />The minutes for the March 21 regular meeting were approved. <br />C. BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT #12 <br />