Minutes - 19770601
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19770601
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234 <br />The Beard asked that Dr, Hanes and Mr, Lansford review the Capital <br />Outlay Projects for the two school systems. <br />Following Dr. Hanes' review of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Capital Out- <br />lay Projects he stated that it was extremely difficult for the School <br />Board to see how they could take $160,000 or so out of this budget. <br />Dan Lansford stated that the County School Board had reworked some <br />of their projects for use of the bond monies and that all of the bond <br />monies would be used. He stated that the capital outlay budget is a <br />minimum budget, but if the media center is taken out, the County School <br />Bcard would be near the $250,000 which was recommended. He added that <br />the County Schools could live with this capital outlay figure, however, <br />the current expense figure is the problem, <br />The maintenance budget figure for current expense for the County <br />School system was quoted at $1,591,000, which is $85,000 short. This is <br />without the additional teachers. Chapel Hill School System is roughly <br />$l0,OD0 short of a maintenance budget. <br />Mr, Lansford stated that the $85,000 fund balance was the operating <br />funds for the school system. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that the Board would not be able to <br />get to work on the budget until the School budget was decided upon. He <br />added that the Ccunty School system was short in what is needed to main- <br />tain the current level of operations, and the loss of the teachers is <br />another crisis. That the Board needed to think in terms of pennies to <br />bring the school systems up to the current level of maintenance, and that <br />he could see about three pennies to keep that level of operation, <br />Chairman Whined stated that his figures produced a tax rate of more <br />like five cent. <br />To use the $1,591,797 figure and add the cast of five teachers at <br />$65,000 would bring the total tc $1,656,797 for the County school, which <br />is $357.00 per pupil. The $357 per pupil plus the $8D0,000 total in capital <br />outlay would be a ten cent increase added to the proposed seven cents. <br />Neal Evans stated that the $85,000 fund balance could be included in ___ <br />this budget and the County could carry the County School in cash flow for <br />the next two years, <br />By adding one cent to the capital outlay budget for both systems, and <br />two cents to the current expense budget for both school; systems, the total <br />amount is $570,000. <br />At this point in the meeting, the Board decided to schedule additional <br />meetings to discuss the budget. <br />Other meetings scheduled by the Board to discuss the budget were June 2 <br />and June 6, 1977, June 14, 1977 was scheduled for the Budget Public Hearing. <br />The Board is hoping to adopt the 1977'78 budget by June 21, 1977. <br />The Board reviewed the budget for the Agricultural Extension Service. <br />The County cost for funding one-half of the two 4-H Assistants salaries is <br />$5,860 for the coming year. The County's portion of the 50/50 match of <br />Agricultural Services salaries for this year is $6,000, <br />Chairman Whitted suggested that the $5,860 for the two 4-H Assistants <br />be added to the budget, and that a clear understanding be worked out with <br />the State regarding the 50/50 match of employees' salaries, <br />The Board reviewed the Health Department's budget. The County Manager <br />stated that the Health Budget attempted to provide the identical programs <br />of the District Health. <br />Commissiener Gustaveson stated that the critical area is the $20,000 <br />which is cut from personnel. <br />The County Manager stated that the reduction would be one Sanitarian <br />and one part-time Sanitarian Supervisor and a part time Health Educator. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that the State had recommended that the <br />Health Department have six 5anitarians and with the new Soil Absortion <br />Regulations affection July 1, 1977, the County would be hard pressed tokeep up. <br />
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