2009-043 Animal Svc - Renewal of Animal Services Community Spay/ Neuter Agreement with AnimalKind
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2009-043 Animal Svc - Renewal of Animal Services Community Spay/ Neuter Agreement with AnimalKind
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Last modified
7/31/2009 1:32:54 PM
Creation date
7/31/2009 1:32:27 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-02-2009 - 4l
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submission of applications to Provider for Qualified Residents as determined by DSS. Provider <br />shall be responsible for issuing vouchers in a timely manner to DSS Qualified Residents. <br />Pavments for Services on Behalf of Oualified Residents Who Are Oualified By Provider <br />The County shall pay the actual cost of surgery plus and administrative fee of $5.00 per <br />procedure, which when added together, shall be no more than an average cost of Seventy Five <br />Dollars and 00/100 ($75.00), for each spay/neuter surgery arranged by Provider and performed <br />on behalf of Qualified Residents qualified by Provider during each quarter throughout the term <br />of this Agreement. County recognizes that the cost of any single surgery performed on behalf of <br />a Qualified Resident plus the $5.00 administrative fee may be more or less than $75.00 <br />depending on the veterinarian performing the procedure, the type of pet (dog or cat), the sex of <br />the pet and the size of the pet. However, for any given quarterly invoice the County will only be <br />required to pay to Provider the lesser of: (1) the actual cost of surgeries performed pursuant to <br />this Agreement plus an administrative fee of $5.00 per procedure; or (2) the average cost of <br />$75.00 per surgery (which shall include the $5.00 administrative fee) for each surgery performed <br />pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall the co-pay required from a Qualified Resident <br />qualified by Provider exceed the amount of Twenty Dollars and 00/100 ($20.00). <br />Pavments for Services on Behalf of Qualified Residents Who are Qualified by DSS <br />The County shall pay the actual cost of surgery plus and administrative fee of $5.00 per <br />procedure, which when added together, shall be no more than an average cost of Ninety Five <br />Dollars and 00/100 ($95.00), for each spay/neuter surgery arranged by Provider and performed <br />on behalf of Qualified Residents qualified by DSS during each quarter throughout the term of <br />this Agreement. County recognizes that the cost of any single surgery performed on behalf of a <br />Qualified Resident who is qualified by DSS plus the $5.00 administrative fee may be more or <br />less than $95.00 depending on the veterinarian performing the procedure, the type of pet, the sex <br />of the pet and the size of the pet. However, for any given quarterly invoice the County will only <br />be required to pay to Provider the lesser of: (1) the actual cost of surgeries performed pursuant to <br />this Agreement plus an administrative fee of $5.00; or (2) the average cost of $95.00 per surgery <br />(which shall include the $5.00 administrative fee) for each surgery performed pursuant to this <br />Agreement on behalf of a Qualified Resident qualified by DSS. No co-pay shall be required for <br />Qualified Residents who qualify through DSS. <br />IV. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES <br />Provider is an independent contractor of the County. Provider represents that it has or <br />will secure, at its own expense, all personnel required in performing the services under this <br />Agreement. Such personnel shall not be employees of or have any contractual relationship with <br />the County.. All personnel engaged in work under this Agreement shall be fully qualified and <br />shall be authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such services. It is further <br />agreed that the Provider will obey all State and Federal statutes, rules and regulations that are <br />applicable to provisions of the services called herein. Neither Provider nor any employee of the <br />Provider shall be deemed an officer, employee or agent of the County. <br />
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