Orange County NC Website
Helgevold, thence North 01'06'32" East 100.75' to a point, thence North <br />88'53'06" East 111.89' to the point and place of BEGINNING. <br />In accordance with the Ordinance, the Board hereby makes the following findings as to <br />the appropriateness of the Application: <br />1. That the Application is complete in accordance with the submittal requirements <br />detailed within Article Twenty (20) of the Ordinance, specifically Section 20.3.2; <br />2. That per Section 20.3.2 (c) of the Zoning Ordinance, staff and the property owner <br />allege a mapping error making the Zoning Atlas Petition reasonable necessary in <br />promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare. <br />Specifically, the existing non-residential zoning designation is not located in <br />accordance with the existing non-residential operation that was in existence in <br />1994. The approval of the petition will correct for this error and properly reflect <br />the exact location of the non-residential zoning designation on the property. <br />3. That per Section 20.3.2 (e) of the Zoning Ordinance, the approval of the Zoning <br />Atlas Petition would carry out the intent of the Orange County Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />Specifically, the approval of the petition would properly designate an EC-5 zoning <br />designation on a parcel of property where there is an existing non-residential <br />land use in operation. <br />This Ordinance shall become effective upon approval. <br />Adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners this 19th day of May, 2009. <br />re ~ C a <br />Noes: <br />Don Baker, erk to BOCC <br />®~~ <br />-~- -r~: <br />~~c~=`~~ <br />