Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />NOP.'I'lI C.AROLIN.A <br />vEED <br />aR~NC~ colrNTY <br />TIi:CS DEED, made this 19th clay of May, 1.977, by ORANGE <br />CUiJ1TTY, a 'body politic and corporate, Party of the First fart, <br />and OTTS 1~P~IGFiT, Route 3, Box l4, 11i11sborou~h, North CaroliL~a <br />2727$, Party of the Second Part; <br />t~ITA'E S SE TII: <br />THAT the said Party o£ the First Part, in consi_dera.tion o£ <br />F CAF--: IiH^:-{ ~ <br />mot,:,; . t- ~::. ~ . ;;. ~. <br />~~ <br />i; <br />Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations to it <br />paid by the said Party o£ the Second Part, the receipt of ~~rhich <br />is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these <br />presents does bargain, sell and convey unto said Party of the <br />Second Part and his successors and assigns, that certain tract <br />or parcel of land in the County of Orange and State o£ Forth <br />Oarolina, in Hillsborough Township, and mare particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Bounded on the North by the property of the .7enni.e Shanklin,I <br />as shown in the records o£ the tax Supervisor of Orange County; <br />on the East by Lot No. 200 of the plat of the Town o£ Hillsborou~;1, <br />said plat recorded in Plat Boole 6, Page 99, Orange County <br />Registry; on the South by Lot No. 207 0£ the plat of the Tot,~1 0£ <br />Hillsborough; and on the West by Nash Street; the same being a <br />part of Lot No. 239 of the plat of the Town of Hillsborough, said <br />lot having been conveyed to London Roberson and recorded in <br />Deed Book 64, Page 70, Orange County Registry. <br />TO NAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid exact or parcel of land <br />and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to <br />the said Party of the Second fart and his successors and assigzzs <br />forever. <br />That the saa.d Party of the First Part does covenant that <br />it is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to <br />convey the same in fee simple; tYca~. the same are fre4 :From <br />encumbrances, and that it will c,~arrant and defend the said title <br />to the same against the claims .o£ all per-sons whomsoez>er. <br />IN T'L'STIPIONY 1~lEP.EUF, the Party of the first Part has <br />caused this deed to be signed in its n.1mP by the: C??.:i, o-f. <br />