Orange County NC Website
z®7 <br />to JOCCA based•~n•th,e evaluation criteria used and that a contributicn <br />for general maintenance operation is not consistent with the kind of <br />direct supportive services the Town assists. The Towns of Carrboro and <br />Hillsborough also face similar questions regarding their proposed appro- <br />priation. <br />Commissioner willhoit stated that he felt the County and other <br />municipalities should attempt to arrive at a vasi.s for a formula to <br />determine the proper appropriation from the various towns, and from the <br />County. He added that these agencies were caught in the middle and this <br />should be a function on the part of the County and the 'Downs. Mr. Hare <br />stated that JOCCA had received work that their local match to the CSA <br />Grant would be increased from 25 percent to 30 percent. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked that Mr. Hare provide the Board with <br />addition information for the budget of JOCCA. He stated that he would <br />like to know the kinds of new services which would be provided with this <br />appropriation as associaterd to other kinds of cost in the overall budget. <br />He asked that the different programs be tied to figures. <br />Commissioner Pinney requested that Mr. Hare seek other sources of <br />funding for support of the JOCCA Program. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that he felt the County needed to assess <br />their support of the JOCCA Agency regardless of what the Towns chose to do. <br />Mx. Bare was requested to provide the Board with additional information. <br />The next agency presenting a proposed budget was the Historical <br />Commission. <br />The Chairman recognized Mrs. Glaire Engstrom, Chairman of the <br />Historical Commission. Mrs. Engstrom stated that the Historical <br />Commission is composed of 29 people appointed by the governor of <br />North Carolina. The purpose of the Commission is to carry out a restora- <br />tion program in Hillsborough. The restoration program is funded through <br />State and Federal Grants. Mrs. Engstrom stated that.; the Commission was <br />presently debt free, and this request for $3,000 is for operational expense. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson requested that Mrs. Engstrom provide the <br />Board with a clear statement of how the requested $3,000 will be used. <br />Dr. Charles Blake, a member of the Commission, stated that the $3,000 <br />would be used in the same manner as in previous years, however, many of <br />the items has increased in cost. <br />Mrs. Engstrom added that the Burrough School and grounds would be <br />opened for community use effective July 1, 1977. <br />The next agency presenting a budget was Switchboard, Inc. <br />Chairman Whitted recognized Ashley Moore with the Switchboard agency. <br />Mr. Moore introduced Susan Furches, De Whit McCauley, and Dr. Dennis Stacy <br />representatives of Switchboard. <br />Mr. Moore stated that Switchboard was requesting from the County an <br />appropriation of $5,000. He stated that three essentail services provided <br />by Switchboard are to provide crisis intervention, outpatient counseling <br />and drug abuse prevention/education services. -. <br />Ms. Furches reviewed the services provided by Switchboard, which in- <br />cluded a 24 hour hotline which provides counseling, information, and <br />appropriate community referrals. Switchboard provides an answering service <br />for Orange-Person-Charham Mental Health during off hours. Next year, <br />_ Switchboard has been asked to provide an alcohol information service for <br />OPC Mental Health. In addition, space is provided for counseling groups <br />in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area. An answering service is provided by <br />Switchboard for the Salvation Army in the southern part of the county. <br />The $5,000 requested from Orange County will be utilif.ed as local match <br />far State and Federal drug abuse monies available on 50/50 match ratio <br />far Intervention and Treatment, on 70/30 (State-Local) for Education/ <br />Prevention, and on a 75/25 ratio in a Title XX grant for Out-patient <br />Drug Counseling. <br />