Minutes - 19770511
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19770511
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~~~ <br />Mr. Baxter stated that if you have a deficit this year, you must <br />address the same deficit next year, or else cut back programs. He <br />stated that included in this budget was $40,000 for pay backs for 1978 <br />fiscal year. He stated that Mental Health had received confirmation from <br />Pat Webb that the total deficit can be delayed until June, 1978. <br />Mr. Baxter stated that when the auditors were here this past week, <br />they found the possibility of some additional funds which were dispersed <br />and Mental Health feels they can get credit for. If so, this will reduce <br />the pay backs by $20,000, if the.State will acknowledge this. <br />Commissioner Walker asked Mr. Baxter to explain the difference between <br />a deficit and pay back. -. <br />Mr. Baxter stated that a deficit is when you do not generage sufficient <br />revenue to cover your expenses. A pay back relates to monies which you re- <br />quested in a previous year which were either not spent or you should have <br />spent and consequently, these monies have to go back to the State. This <br />could be area match funds which were requested and sufficient expenditures <br />wre not available to match, so these funds have to be reverted. Mr. Baxter <br />stated that it was possible that for 2 or 3 years, Mental Health was funding <br />a deficit wtih pay back monies. He added that with 31 sources of funding, <br />it was impossible to know until an audit if you have met your match. A <br />pay back is a common occurrence, and until the State performs a second audit <br />you do not know if you are in a pay back situation. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he had attempted on past occasions to <br />get a financial report from Orange-Person-Chatham Mental Health.. <br />Mr. Baxter reviewed the budget with the Hoard. He stated that in <br />March, the Center had 4900 patient contacts, and in Apzil, there were <br />4500 patient contacts. Fees for service have.~.increased to $13,000 over <br />$3,000. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson spoke of coordination of transportation in <br />the County. He requested from the Mental Health Center a package of facts <br />regarding the number of cars used, the miles driven per day, number of <br />passengers, and the number of trips to different locations each day. <br />Mr: Gustaveson asked if there was any work regarding the Northside <br />property, which will house the Mental Health Center in the future. <br />The County Manager stated that the plans should be back fram the State <br />by June. The State has raised very few minor objecti6ns regarding the plans. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that a public hearing would be advertised be- <br />fore the Mental Health budget is adopted. <br />The meeting was then adjourned <br />ichard E. Whitted, Chairman <br />Agatha Johnson, Clerk <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />MAY 16, 1977 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, May 16, 1977, <br />at 7:30 p.m., in the Commissioners' Room of the Courthouse in Hillsborough <br />to continue budget hearings far fiscal year 1977-1978. <br />Present were Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioners Norman Gustaveson, <br />Jan Pinney, Norman Walker, and Donald Willhoit. <br />Others present were S. M. Gattis, County Manager, Neal Evans, Finance <br />Director, Joe Bradshaw, Administrative Assistant, and Agatha Johnson, Clerk. <br />The Chairman stated that the Board would review the proposed budget <br />of the Recreation Department. He recognized Robert Strayhorn, Chairman of <br />the Recreation Advisory Council. Mr. Strayhorn asked Wayne Weston, Recrea- <br />tion Director for Orange County to present the proposed budget. <br />
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