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7 <br /> David Stancil said that the next step, the allocation request, is contingent on doing the <br /> water supply plan. If a jurisdiction is interested in moving to the next level and they have not <br /> participated in the water supply plan, it will be difficult to make a case. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked if there was some language that could be added to ensure <br /> that the service area is included. Laura Blackmon said that her suggestion is to direct staff, <br /> and this MOU is to set up the collaborative effort. The issues of each jurisdiction are not <br /> addressed in the MOU. <br /> Chair Foushee asked if the staff should bring back to the Board the possibilities of how <br /> to avoid undesirable things in the inter-basin transfers. The Board agreed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson to direct staff to bring back language for <br /> the MOA that addresses the issue of how to avoid the issue of containment. <br /> The motion failed for lack of a second. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that Commissioner Nelson raises a good point and on page <br /> 11, the analysis from staff about what was discussed should be a focus of another effort and <br /> not included in the MOU that addresses the issues and brings them back with more staff <br /> analysis and recommendations. He said that he might be disinclined to support inter-basin <br /> transfer, but he would rather not have a motion that pre-judges, but that staff should come <br /> back with the pros and cons. The recommendation from the Manager is to approve the MOU <br /> and direct staff to bring back more analysis on the other points. <br /> Commissioner Gordon supports what has been said, but she is struggling with what it <br /> means to sign the agreement at this point. She said that, in reading the agreement and then <br /> in reading what the Orange County staff has said, it sounds like it would be better if some of <br /> the additional language were in there, especially about the watershed planning. There is a <br /> disconnect between statements concerning what would be acceptable and what is in the <br /> agreement. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the intent of this agreement is for all of the entities to agree <br /> to participate in some discussions with the three tasks. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to know what the Towns of Chapel Hill <br /> and Carrboro are thinking. Mr. Voorhees said that he supported the County Manager's <br /> description of how the City of Durham thinks it would operate —that the MOU would create a <br /> space for the regional partners to discuss technical issues about how water supply planning <br /> can go forward. If governments want to participate, then they can join in through this <br /> instrument. He would expect all of the participants to get their guidance from their home <br /> governments. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that part of the problem is that the MOU says so many <br /> things. She read from the second page, "Actions on project activities by the elected bodies of <br /> each jurisdiction.." She said that it clearly says that there are no actions that would be taken <br /> unless the elected bodies actually directed it. This makes her comfortable in that respect. She <br /> is uncomfortable about the oddity of Orange County in that OWASA is the technical partner <br /> here, but it serves mostly Chapel Hill and Carrboro, yet Orange County is discussing and <br /> signing it as an elected body. She would like to focus first on having some sort of coordinated <br /> group between all of the towns and the County. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that the issue of land use is a very important consideration <br /> and the politics of water are intense. He said that he is having a hard time agreeing to <br /> separate the land use from the water supply. Laura Blackmon said that these are not <br /> necessarily on different tracks. Orange County has no leverage unless it is part of the group. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Nelson and said that the two issues <br /> cannot be separated. He thinks that there is a parallel effort to create a different MOU that <br /> encompasses the issues. <br />