Orange County NC Website
(i) in compliance with all LFG Project Permits and applicable Laws and (ii) in accordance with <br />good engineering practices and industry standards. The University assumes the risk of the <br />delivery conditions (including the rate of flow, vacuum and pressure of delivery), quantity and <br />quality of LFG. <br />61. The University is solely responsible for creating sufficient vacuum to extract LFG <br />from Landfill and transfer it to the Delivery Point. Any such vacuum shall not adversely affect <br />the County's Landfill operations, and the University shall adjust its operations of the LFG <br />Project or install necessary equipment at its sole cost and expense to correct any such adverse <br />effect. Should such adverse effects arise that the University is unable to correct through <br />operational adjustments, the University shall, at the County Manager's written request, take <br />coininercially reasonable steps to promptly suspend the LFG operations pending the correction <br />of the conditions causing such adverse effects. <br />62. The University shall make coirunercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with the <br />County in the preparation, execution, and filing of any applications or other documents as may <br />be necessary to perform the County's obligations under this Agreement. <br />63. The University shall submit for the County's prior approval (which shall not be <br />uiueasonably witl~lleld), all pernit documentation prepared in accordance with Para -ig,~-aph 81 and <br />all construction and design plans and specifications relating to the construction, operation, and <br />maintenance of the LFG Collection System prior to commencing construction. The County shall <br />have fifteen (15) calendar days to complete its review and approval of any such plans and <br />specifications. Any plans and specifications for which the County has not provided a response <br />within fifteen (15) calendar days shall be deemed approved. Should the County provide <br />comments on the initial submission of any submitted plans and specifications, it shall then have <br />15 <br />