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Aso <br />The Chairman asked if there was anyone present who would like to <br />speak to the use of these revenue funds for fiscal year 1977-1978. <br />No one came forth. <br />The Chairman declared that the public hearing was ended. <br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 14: The Tax Supervisor has recom- '.. <br />mended the Board of Commissioners act an the following request for tax <br />refunds. <br />Mr. Whitted recognized William Laws, Tax Supervisor. Mr. Laws <br />referred to the first request. <br />A. Emma G. Goldson: Request for a 1976 tax refund of $84.15 _. <br />Mr. Laws stated that a house on this property was demolished but not <br />deleted from the tax records. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted to grant the refund of $84.15 to Emma C. Goldson. <br />B. Richard S. Fox: Request for a. refund of $20.p0 for 1976 tax. <br />A mobile home on this listing was incorrectly priced. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adapted to grant the refund of $20,00 for 1976 tax. <br />C. Hiroshi Okada: Request for a refund of $58.64 for 1976 tax <br />This taxpayer was erroneously assessed for 1976 tax. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Walker <br />it was moved and adopted to grant the refund of $58.64 for 1976 tax for <br />xiroshi Okada. <br />b. H. Curtis Bowen: Request for refund in the amount of $573.30 for <br />1975 and 1976 taxes. A house not owned by Mr. Bowen was recorded as being <br />on his lot. The Tax Supervisor stated that this was a double listing. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to grant the refund of 1975 and . <br />1976 taxes in the amount of $573.30 to H. Curtis Bowen. <br />E. Stereo Sound Acoustics, Tnc. Request a refund for 1976 tax in <br />the amount of $176.70. The Tax Supervisor stated that this inventory was <br />incorrectly listed, and that he could not verify this assessment. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, <br />it was moved and adopted to deny the request for refund of Stereo Sound <br />Acoustics, Inc. <br />F. Alan J. Stern: Request a refund for 197.6 tax in the amount of <br />$26.77. The Tax Supervisor stated that Mr. Stern's house was incorrectly <br />appraised. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to approve the refund request of <br />Alan J. Stern for 1976, and in the amount of $26.77. <br />G. Thomas A. Patterson, Heirs: Request a refund for 1975 tax in <br />the amount of $27.77. A mobile home listed by someone else was incor- <br />rectly recorded as being on this land. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Gomm_issioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to grant the refund request of <br />$27.77 to the Thomas A. Patterson, Heirs for 1975 tax. <br />H. Peter R. Heath: A request for refund of $11.25 far 1976 tax. <br />The property situated in Eno Township was recorded as being in Chapel <br />Hill Township. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to grant the refund request of <br />$11.25 to Peter F. Heath for 1976 tax. <br />