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X56 <br />Mr. Hazard stated that he had been assured that water and sewer is <br />available, however, he would have to wait. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that he would like to have a clearer <br />understanding from OWASA concerning the pumping station for Hertiage Hills. <br />Commissioner Pinney moved to table the original motion until OWASA <br />had clearly indicated what action they will take concerning the pumping <br />station and the availability of sewer for this area. <br />Commissioners Willhoit and Gustaveson agreed to the amendment to <br />table the original motion. Commissioner Gustaveson seconded the amended <br />motion. . -- <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he did not .see any need to delay <br />this request 30 days. -- <br />The Chairman called for the vote to table the original motion until <br />OWASA had clearly indicated what action they will take concerning the <br />pumping station and the availability of sewer for the area. <br />Voting aye were Commissioners Gustaveson, Pinney, Whitted and Willhoit. <br />Voting nay was Commissioner Walker. <br />The motion was declared passed. This rezoning request will come before <br />the Board on the first Monday in May. <br />C. Lockridge Section A - This request proposes the amendment of an <br />existing Planned Unit.Development Plan. <br />Mr. Edwards informed the Board that the earlier plan showed problems <br />in the survey. The new plan reduces the number of lots from 2D to 15. <br />Roads for the area will be Class B and C, private roads. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the Lockridge Section A request to <br />amend the Planned Unit Development Plan. <br />Mr. Edwards stated that a preliminary plat, Item 20-C, had also <br />been submitted for the Board's approval. This preliminary plat is <br />identical to the Lockridge Section A, Planned Unit Development Plan. <br />Item 20-C: Lockridge Section A:- This plat proposes the subdivision <br />of a 65 acre tract into fifteen 1 acre lots, one 5 acre lot and 41 acres of <br />common Land. Private roads will provide access to SR #1730. <br />Upan motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to approve the preliminary plat <br />for Lockridge Section A. <br />D. Lockridge Section B - Rezoning Request - This request proposes <br />the rezoning of forty-one acres from agricultural to Planned Unit Develop- <br />ment. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the set back area from the creek. Mr. <br />Edwards stated tht the drainage fields would be 100 feet from the creek. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to rezone this property from agricultural <br />to Planned Unit Development. <br />Mr. Edwards informed the Board that a preliminary plat has also been <br />submitted for this property. <br />20-D: Lockridge Section B - This plan proposes the subdivision o£ a <br />41 acre tract into ten 1 acre lots, one 4 acre lot and 25 acres o~ common <br />land. Private roads will provide access to SR. #1730. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to approve the preliminary plat for <br />Lockridge Section B. <br />Item 20 - Preliminary Plats are submitted for the Board's approval. <br />A. E. T. Cax'tee - This plan proposes the division of three 1~, acre <br />lots from a 10 acre tract. A Class C private road wall provide access <br />to SR #1713. Mr. Edwards informed the Board that a power line easement <br />