Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Steve Peck, Chair of the RPAC, said that the RPAC is unanimous in its opposition to <br /> discontinuing the summer camp. There was a letter sent in February and the RPAC came and <br /> spoke to the Board in March. He said that the RPAC is really dismayed about this and realizes <br /> that it is too late to backup on this year. He appreciates the consideration of scholarship <br /> money. The RPAC would strongly recommend this program going back in next year. He said <br /> that many of the members of RPAC, past and present, actually attended this camp or were <br /> counselors. He said that the RPAC members were not asked what they thought about this <br /> very much, and when the opinions were voiced, nothing came back to explain the rationale. <br /> Regarding financial implications, the camp had a $3,600 shortfall, and this could have been <br /> made up in many ways. He hopes that the Board will reinstate the camp in the new fiscal year. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the rationale and said that one of the things <br /> that has been cited by the Manager is that the program costs the County money. She asked if <br /> this was the only rationale. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the financial reasons were not why she was looking at <br /> discontinuing the camp. Part of the reason is that as the County grows, as the Lands Legacy <br /> Program continues to add property to the County, and as parks are developed, she recognized <br /> that parks are becoming a greater portion of what this department can focus on. The staff <br /> cannot spread themselves too thin and she wants to focus on things that provide to the entire <br /> County. There are other summer camps and after-school programs in the County. The goal <br /> was to not duplicate what is already available, but to focus on more of what the County <br /> direction has been. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that when the decision was made, it was in the rush of the <br /> budget process, and if there was ever a vote to discontinue, it was in an overall vote to <br /> approve the budget. She thinks that it is good that everyone has now heard the rationale. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that, given that the Board has approval from the Social <br /> Services Board to use the $10,000 to provide subsidies for children to attend other camps, she <br /> would like to monitor this new situation and see how it affects children who are not able to <br /> attend a camp and reconsider if this is something that reflects the County's goals. Chair <br /> Jacobs agreed. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he appreciates the RPAC's concerns. He thinks that the County <br /> is going to move toward engaging RPAC and staff in more strategic thinking about the future <br /> with Parks and Recreation. He said that if the County is going to consider eliminating tax <br /> increases, then programs will have to be eliminated and this is just the tip of the iceberg. <br /> There is a limit to what the County can fund. He agrees with looking at places where services <br /> are duplicated. He is concerned about the proposed continued growth of exercise facilities at <br /> one of the senior centers when there are people in the private sector who provide exercise <br /> facilities. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve the proposal and the designation of $10,000 from the Department of Social Services <br /> Childcare Program to fund an Orange County scholarship/campership program to support <br /> participants' attendance at the three summer day camp programs noted above. Also, the <br /> Board will monitor the effect of this action and revisit this in the fall to see if goals are being <br /> met. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Steve Peck asked for a written response about the rationale, and Chair Jacobs said <br /> that he could have the minutes when they are available. <br />