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Commissioner Gordon said that she sent an email to Craig Benedict stating questions <br /> about this document. She wants some information about the text and numbers because there <br /> appears to be some inconsistencies in the report. <br /> Craig Benedict said that he researched the questions and 57 is the increase for OCS <br /> middle school, and not 61. This will be corrected before documents are sent. He said that <br /> 2,533 is the capacity of the Orange County high school level, and this includes Orange High <br /> School at 1,518; Cedar Ridge High School at 1,000; and 15 as part of the partnership school. <br /> Also, the chart did say that the CHCCS high school expansion was scheduled for 2015-2016 <br /> and in another part of the abstract it said 2016-2017. He will confirm this with Donna Coffey. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> forward the corrected report to the SAPFO partners for review and comment before June <br /> certification. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> I. Swallow's Ridge — Preliminary Plan <br /> The Board received a recreation trail map from the developer concerning the <br /> Preliminary Plan for Swallow's Ridge and considered a decision on subdivision application. <br /> Craig Benedict said that this item was on the agenda a few weeks ago and there was <br /> some discussion about the length of the trail that would be supportive of the private recreation <br /> on the site. The applicant met with staff the next day, and they agreed upon a 6,000+ linear <br /> foot trail with a corridor width that would be approximately 42,800 square feet. This language <br /> is acceptable to the applicant and this is a reasonable accommodation to the condition of <br /> approval and the resolution, section E4. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> approve the preliminary plan for Swallow's Ridge, with the language for section E4 that, "the <br /> developer has agreed to and will provide a minimum of approximately 42,798.5 square feet of <br /> private recreation area." <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. Authorization of Northern Buckhorn Community/Central Efland Sewer <br /> Expansion Project and Conclusion of the Public Hearing for Preliminary Engineer's <br /> Report <br /> The Board will be completing the EPA-required (for State and Tribal Assistance Grant <br /> funded projects) public hearing on the proposed project's preliminary Engineer's Report; <br /> considered approving the project scope; and addressed the project's projected shortfall in <br /> existing bond and grant funds. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that there are some changes since last time related to a pump <br /> station. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the public hearing for this item was on the last agenda and <br /> was not closed. There is more clarification on the pump station. <br /> County Engineer Paul Thames said that a letter has been received from OWASA <br /> saying that, as far as their system is concerned, the lifespan of the mechanical and electrical <br /> equipment of a pump station is approximately 15 years. All of the County's equipment is 20 <br /> years old, so it has not been operating at capacity. There were plans to replace this system in <br /> the CIP in two years, which overlaps this project and could achieve some economy of scale <br /> savings. The new system would have the capacity flow of about 100,000 gallons per day. The <br /> current system flows at about 30,000 gallons a day. The new system would take care of <br /> everything that is existing in the proposed service area. <br />