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Ghairman Whitted stated that Mr. Pinney had made a motion to <br />appropriate $70,000 to Mental Health as a supplemental appropriation. <br />Mr. Gustaveson has seconded the motion. Mr. Willhoit has amended the <br />motion that the appropriation be used to continue services 100 percent <br />for one month. <br />Chairman Whitted asked Commissioner Pinney and Gustaveson if they <br />would accept the amendment to the motion. They did not agree tv the <br />amendment. <br />The Chairman called for the vote on the motion. Voting aye were <br />Commissioners Gustaveson Pinney, Whitted and Willhoit, Voting nay was <br />Commissioner Walker. The motion was declared passed. <br />The Chairman stated that this supplemental appropriation aoe~d ofmthis <br />from the Contingency Fund. (For copy of budget amendment see p g <br />book . ) <br />He stated that the area Mental Health Board meeting would be on <br />March 23, 1977, at 7:30 ~.m.,.The place of the meeting has not been <br />designated. <br />Chairman Whitted mooed to Item 11 on the Agenda: A group representing <br />farmers has requested the Board of Commissioners delay adopting a County <br />wide Subdivision Ordinance for 60 to 90 days. <br />The agenda attachment stated that a citizens group composed mostly <br />of farmers has met with the Board of Commissioners to discuss the pro- <br />posed Subdivision Ordinance and the County's plans to extend land use <br />controls. At the conclusion of this meeting, Mr. Ben Lloyd requested a <br />delay of 60 to 90 days in adoption of the Subdivision Ordinance in order <br />that people like himself, as well as new Planning Board members and the <br />County Commissioners could have an opportunity to familiarize themselves <br />with the provisions of this ordinance to a greater extent. <br />The Chairman recognized Ben Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd stated that the rules <br />and regulations of the Subdivision Ordinance were totally unfamiliar to <br />most of the farmers in Orange County. He stated that the farmers were <br />not against the Subdivision Ordinance, but they did not know enough about <br />the Ordinance. He stated that his group would like the Board of Commis- <br />sinners to halt the adoption of the Ordinance for a period of not less <br />than 90 days, and to set up local Advisory Boards and properly inform <br />these Boards. To hold local or township meetings to inform people, and <br />after these meetings, hold another meeting and answer questions from <br />people as to how the Subdivision Ordinance will affect them. <br />Discussion ensued. Commissioner Willhoit suggested that the request <br />for any specific time limit be tabled. He stated that since the Ordinance <br />was already in effect in Chapel Hill and Eno Township, that he would like <br />to see the Ordinance adopted for those two Townships as soon as it came <br />from the Planning Board. As it is adopted in these two townships, this <br />would give the Planning Board and staff sufficient time to become more' <br />familiar with the Ordinance. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that one of the concerns was that the <br />County had a fairly new Planning Board and they needed time to study the <br />Ordinance. <br />Mr. Willhoit stated that the Planning Board would be responsible for <br />acting on requests which came in from Chapel Hill and Eno Townships <br />whether the Ordinance is adopted or not. He saw no sense in the Planning <br />Board learning the old procedures and then having to learn the new pro- <br />_ cedures in the Ordinance. <br />Discussion ensued. Lindsey Efland and William Breeze, members of <br />_. the County Planning Board stated that they were unsure of the Ordinance, <br />and they felt citizens shoud have more input into the Ordinance before it <br />is adapted. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson spoke of the responsibility of the Board to <br />the entire County to see that roads which are put in, lots which are <br />divided, are properly planned. He stated that Advisory Councils will be <br />established in the different townships whose purpose is to work on the <br />land use plan far that particular township, which is a preliminary step <br />to zoning. This should be the time for citizen's input. <br />