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X30 <br />Ghairman Whitted informed the Board that the Local Government Commis.. •. <br />Sion is presently reviewing the 1974-75-76 audit of the area Mental Health <br />Program. At the end of this fiscal year, an audit will be available to <br />this Board. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that he had no indiction of the nature <br />of the proposed cuts, and therefore, upon the information that had been <br />presented, he would move that Orange County appropriate $104,000 as its <br />share of the deficit. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he would like to have more informa- <br />tion from the Mental Health Board of the availability of State and Federal <br />funds coming from the new monies appropriated. He a]:so stated that he - <br />needed a clearer picture of the proposed cuts. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested that the County fund $17,000 for <br />each additional month. He stated that this would delay the projected <br />cuts from one month to another, and during that time, additional funding <br />could be sought. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated that he disagreed with this method, that <br />if funding for mental health was not found at the end of one month, this <br />would make the cuts even greater. <br />The Chairman declared Mr. Willhoit's motion died for lack of a second. <br />The Ghairman read to the Board the positions which were proposed to <br />be cut. He stated that there were 19 affected positions, but only l2 would <br />actually be terminated. Seven of the affected positions have either gone <br />on part-time, or some other funding source is picking up their salaries. <br />Of the 12 remaining cuts, 5 persons are in administration, and 7 persons <br />are direct service personnel. <br />Commissioner Finney stated that he served on the Mental Health Board <br />and that this is a very hard decision to make. He then moved that Orange <br />County appropriate an additional $16,000 on the already appropriated <br />$54,000 to the Orange County deficit, which would bring Orange County's <br />total appropriation to $70,000. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson seconded the motion. <br />Discussion ensued. Many unidentified persons spoke in support of the <br />Mental Health Programs. <br />Commissioner Willhoit .asked that the motion be amended, and that the <br />$16,000 be used in a manner to delay any cuts for one month, and during <br />this time seek to identify other funding sources, with the idea that the <br />Gounty may fund beyond the $70,000 after further evaluation. <br />Commissioner Walker asked if the proposed $70,000 would go toward <br />the total Mental Health Program or can this money be earmarked for specific <br />programs? <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that the Mental Health Board and the <br />professional staff should have the responsibilities of making priorities in <br />the mental health programs. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked that Mr. Willhoit amend his amendment <br />to state that the direct service personnel would not be terminated for <br />another month. Discussion ensued. Mr. Pinney stated that the additional <br />$16,000 would fund 5 additional positions for the rest of the year. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he could not vote for eithex the <br />motion or the amendmentss, but he would moved that the County earmazk <br />the appropriations made to pick up these two pxagrams. He added that <br />he would not vote to appropriate any money to go to the area Mental <br />Health Board. <br />Commissioner Willhoit restated his amendment. He stated that since <br />the County had already appropriated $54,000, there would be a $50,000 <br />shortfall, which is $17,000 far each month. By using this $17,000 to <br />continue the programs 100 percent, this weuld give 'the Board time to <br />look at the situation, and a month from now, another appropriation could <br />be made. <br />