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'~Ilhile this amendment will not address ail development restrictions within every Nvde, it gill <br />address an identified immediate problem within several of the rural nodes and allow staff the <br />opportunity to complete a comprehensive reassessment of development constraints within all <br />Nodes throughout the County. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br />have determined the approval of the request will not create the need for additional funding far <br />the provision of County services. <br />Nt~TIFIC,ATI~N PR~]CEdURAL REQUIREMENTS: As detailed within Article Twenty X20} <br />amendments Section 20.5 of the Ordinance staff is required to cause a. <br />J1lotice of the public hearing shat! be given by pubJr`shing said natr'ce at lean twice <br />in a newspaper of general circulation in the County, statr'ng the lime and' place of <br />such hearing and the substance of the prapose~ amendment. phis notice shall <br />appear in said' newspaper for two successive weeks within the first notice <br />appearr'ng not less than ten (~4~ days nor mare than twenty~five (25~ days before <br />the date set far the public hearing. <br />Staff has caused an advertisement to appear within the News of Grange and the Chapel Hill <br />Herald on lay 5, 2009 and il~ay ~ 3, 2009 in accordance with this requirement. <br />RECt~~II~ENCATI~]N: The Zoning ~fi:icer recommends the Board: <br />~ . Receive the staff initiated coning text amendment proposal including staff`s report and <br />presentation materials, <br />2. Conduct the Public bearing and accept comments from all interested parties, <br />3, Refer the matter to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the <br />County Board of Commissioners in time for the August ~ 8, 2009 BC~CC meeting, <br />4. Adjourn the Public Hearing until August ~ 8, 2009 in order to receive the Planning Board's <br />recommendation. <br />