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Attachment ~ <br />21 <br />aRANGE ~auNTY <br />PLANNING BaARD <br />AGTIaN AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: February 4, 2009 <br />Actinn Agenda <br />Item N~. ~~ <br />SUBJECT: Review of options concerning development within Grange Count Nodes <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections ~ PUBLIC HEARING. 41(1N} No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />INF'aRMATIaN CaNTACT: <br />Name, Phane Number <br />Michael D. Harvey, Planner 24v-~6~7 <br />PURPaSE~ To review various options and timelines relating to possible amendments to the <br />Orange County Zaning Ordinance clarifying development limitations within existing Nodes. <br />BACI~GRaUND. The Land Use Plan N1ap of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan <br />delineates the ~locatian of various Nodes throughout the County. One such category is the Rural <br />Community Activity Node, defined within Chapter Five ~5}, Section 5.3 the future Land Use <br />Flan of the Orange County 2o3o Comprehensive Plan as: <br />Land focused on desr'gnated road intersections which serve a nodal <br />crossroads far the surroundr'ng rural community and is an <br />appropriate location for any of the following uses. churches, fire <br />station, small post office, school, or other similar institutional uses <br />and one or more cornn~ercial uses. <br />Nonresidential zoning classifications allowed within the Rural Community Activity Nodes are <br />limited to. Local Commercial One PLC- } and Neighbarhaod Commercial Two ANC-~} as <br />detailed within Appendix E of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />During the review of a recently submitted Zoning Atlas Amendment petition proposing the <br />rezoning of additional property within the U1lhite Cross Rural Community Activity Node, staff <br />informed the County Commissioners and advisory board members that Section 4.2.8 and <br />Section 4.2.9 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes an overall limit on the amount of LC~~ or NC~ <br />2 zoned property within the Rural Community Activity Nodes. Staff recommended against the <br />rezoning petition as the Ullhite Cross Nade was already at the established limit. <br />During the public hearing, comments were made by BOGC members, Planning Board members, <br />and staff indicating that there aught to be a comprehensive re-assessment of the existing Rural <br />Gon~munity Activity Nodes <br />