Orange County NC Website
z <br />NC~D~S: A Node, loosely defined, is a specific geographic area of the County intended to <br />support certain levels of development intensity andlor allow for the development of non <br />residential land uses to serve the needs of the surrounding local community. <br />The orange County Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Element Map ~LUBM} delineate the <br />Ivcatian of various Nodes throughout the County. There are several classifications of Nodes, <br />detailed within Chapter Five ~5}, Section 5.8 Tl~e ~Jse Plan of the Grange County 2o3D <br />Comprehensive Plan including: <br />® Commercial Transition Activity Node, <br />Commercial Industrial Transition Activity Nade, <br />® Bcanomic Development Activity Nade, <br />Rural Community Activity Nade, <br />Rural Neighborhood Activity Node, and <br />Rural Industrial Activity Node <br />Please refer to Attachment Three ~3} for mere detail on development opportunitieslconstraints <br />within the various Nodes. <br />PLANNING ~~ARD DI~ClJSSIC~N: The Planning Board began its review of the aforementioned <br />rezoning petition at its January ~ 4, 2DD9 regular meeting where staff was asked to prepare a <br />brief synopsis ofthe problem and identify possible solutions that would: <br />. Allow for the approval of the submitted zoning Atlas petition, and <br />2. Allow for greater flexibility in encouraging more non-residential developments within the <br />Nodes. <br />Staff compiled a Yst of recommendations and presented them at the February 4, 2DD9 regular <br />meeting. The Board voted unanimously to: <br />~. Recommend an increase in the allo~rable acreage that would only apply to the Illlhite <br />Cross Rural Community Activity Nvde, and <br />2. Recommend that the BCC authorize staff to develop a Small Area Plan for the Node. <br />Please refer to Attachments Four (4) and Five (5) of the abstract-for a copy of the abstract and <br />approved February 4, 2009 minutes. <br />PR~P'aSAL: Staff is proposing to amend Sections} 4.2.8 and 4.2.9 of the ordinance as <br />~ollQw~: <br />~ . Amend Sections} 4.2.8 fib} ~4} Local Commercial I (LC~~) Dislricl and 4.2.9 fib} ~4} <br />~leigl~borhoo~ Commercial ll (~IC~~) Dislricl to increase the maximum allowable nqn- <br />residentialdevelopment within Rural Community Activity Nodes to den ~~ D} acres, <br />2. Limit non_residential development within other Nodes to five ~5} acres ~i.e. Five ~5} acres <br />of LC-~ and NC-2 zoning}, and <br />3. Include a provision allowing the passibility of additional non..residential development with <br />the submission, review, and approval of a Planned development BPD} application in <br />accordance with Article Sevin ~?'} Plannea~ Develo~amer~ls a the ordinance. <br />Staff is not able to recommend a zoning text amendment that would impact development <br />opportunities within only the U1lhite Cross Node as recommended by the Planning Board. All <br />Rural Community Activity Nodes are treated the same within the Comprehensive Plan and, as a <br />result, must be treated equally with respect to development regulations within the Qrdinance. <br />