Orange County NC Website
Onl one ~ extension re uest shall be ranted on an sin le PD <br />ro' ect. ~n the event construction has not con~enced within the <br />allotted timeline the PD shall become null and void as detailed <br />here.. <br />~. Master P~.ned I~eve~o ~en~: ~n instances where an a licant is <br />ro osin lar e~scale multi le individual land uses on a iven <br />arcel of ro erg throe h an a roved Master Plan construction <br />shall com.n~.ence and roceed at a reasonable rate within twelve <br />~ Z months from the date the is a roved b the Count <br />Board of Comrnissioners. <br />The a licant m.a receive an extension from the Zonin Officer <br />extendin the timeline for the commence~.ent of construction <br />activities for u to fort =ei ht 48 months if the a licant can <br />rovide evidence indicatin that. <br />a. The a licant has in ood faith ~~rsued in a tirnel <br />manner an and all ermits associated with the <br />commencement of construction activities for the ro' ect <br />b. That the need for the re uest is based on an a envies <br />reviewl rocessin of a ermit a lication and <br />c, That the re nest is not the result of the inabilit of the <br />a licant to submit the re aired a lications and <br />that the need for the extension results from factors be and <br />the a licants control. <br />Onl one ~ extension re nest shall be ranted on an sin le PD <br />ro"ect. n the event construction has not commenced within the <br />allotted timeline the PD shall became null and void as detailed <br />ere~n. <br />Tt should be noted that no extension re uest shall be a raved if such <br />re ue~t re resents an alteration to the <br />conditions of approval for a Planned Develo ment ro' ect. ~r-ev~e~'-a <br />. • . r <br />. <br />