Orange County NC Website
Attachrnent ~ <br />5 <br />A RESOLUTION AMENDING <br />THE ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY TIDE BOARS GF GGI~IMISSIGNERS ~~ GRANDE <br />COUNTY, NGRTH GARO~INA, hereby amends the Gunge Gounty Toning Ordinance <br />by adding vindicated by double underlined language} and deleting vindicated by stricken <br />through language} as ~ollo~rs: <br />PART 1. That Section 7•~.S be amended as follows: <br />kith res ect to the com~m.encem.ent of construction for an a roved <br />Manned Develo :ment the followin standards shall a I : <br />1. bite ~~ec~~c ~cveto~~.ent: to instances where an _ap~~~ant is <br />ro osin the develo rnent of a s ecific land use on a s ecific <br />arcel of ~•a ert construction shall commence and roceed at a <br />reasonable ~•ate within twelve 1 Z months from. the date the e~•rnit <br />is a ~•oved b the Count ~3oa~•d of Commissioners. <br />The a licant ma receive a sin le six ~ month extension from. <br />the Zonin Officer extendin the timeline for the com~n.encem.ent <br />.of construction activities if tl~e a licant can rovide evidence <br />indicating that: <br />a. The a licant has in ood faith. ursued in a timel <br />manner an and all ermits associated Frith the <br />comrnencernent of construction activities for the ro' ect <br />b. That the need for the re uest is based on an a encies <br />zevie~l rocessin of a erznit a lication and <br />c. That the re uest is not the result of the inabilit of the <br />a licant to submit the re wired ern~.t a lications and <br />that the need for the extension results frorn factors be and <br />the a licants control. <br />