Orange County NC Website
z <br />necessary permits from the North Carolina Department of T'ransportatian and possibly <br />the Federal government to allow for roadway improvements will take approximately two <br />~~} years. This permitting process is longer than existing allowances or the, allowable six <br />~~} month extension <br />2. The ordinance does not contain any standard outlining how a decision can be made <br />relating to the approval or denial of an extension request. . <br />3. The process necessary to review extension requests is not clear and is open for <br />interpretation. <br />Staff believes there is an opportunity to modify existing regulations to establish clear standards <br />relaying to the evaluation of an extension request, specifically spell out the process by which <br />they are reviewed, and take into account the necessary process to obtain the necessary permits <br />Pram local, State, and Federal agencies to allow far the commencement of construction <br />activities. <br />PRUPOSAL~: Staff is proposing to amend Section ?.2.5 Time Limi! orr 5lar~ of Cons~ruclior~ of <br />Planned ~evelopmen~ as follows: <br />~. Establish a differentiation between single-use and multi-use planned development <br />projects approved under the master plan option detailed within Article Seven ~7} of the <br />ordinance, <br />~. Limit single~use projects to a twelve ~~ ~} month construction timeframe, <br />3. Allow up to forty~eight X48} months for multi-use projects approved under a master plan in <br />instances where the applicant is required to secure~permits from multiple local, State, and <br />Federal agencies. <br />,Language would be included within the ~3rdinance requiring the applicant o demonstrate <br />on an annual basis their progress in obtaining all permits thereby allowing far the permit <br />to continue to be considered valid, <br />4. Provide language within the t~rdinance detailing standards to be utilized to determine the <br />approvab~lity of an extension request, <br />~. Continue to allow for a six ~G} month extension for single-use projects, and . <br />8. expressly detail the review and, approval procedure for such extension requests. <br />It should be noted that these proposed amendments will only allow for a one ~~ }time extension <br />for a given project. For. example, with a multi»use projeot mere is only a single forty~eight X48} <br />month extension granted for the entire project. if this extension period expires, and the <br />developer has not initiated required construction activities, the permit is subject to being <br />rescinded in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance. <br />F[NANC[AL [[PACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br />have determined the approval of the request will not create the need for additional funding for <br />the provision of County services. <br />N~T[F[CAT[oN PROCEDURAL R~QU[R~[~FNTS. As detailed within ,Article Twenty X20} <br />Amendmenls Section 20.6 of the ordinance staff is required to cause a: <br />lVolice of the public hearing sha!! be gr'ver~ ~y publisl~r"frg said' notice a! <br />lean Twice in a newspaper of genera! circulation in the County, slafr`ng fhe <br />