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ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE <br />ASSURANCE OF ('.OMPIJANCE WITH TITLE VI OF THE CML RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF <br />1973, TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1972, AND THE AGE D13CRIMINATION ACT OF 1975 <br />The AppNCant provWes this assurrxe in oorreideratlon of and fo- the purpose of obta&ring Federal gratis, bans. contracts, propsAy, discounts <br />or other Federal financial assistance b'om the Department of Flealth and Human Services. <br />THE APPLICANT HEREBY AGREES THAT R WILL COMPLY WITH; <br />Title VI ~ the Civil Riglrts Act of 1964 (Pub. L. li&352). as amended. and aN requirenrsnts impoeed by or pursuant b the Regulatlon <br />of the DeparfrtreM of Heald and Human Services (45 C.F.R. Part t10), b the end Ihat, in accordance with Title VI o1 that Act and the <br />RegrrleAion, rro person in the lJnited States shall, on the ground of race, color, or r>atlonal orlpin, be excluded from parddpelion in, be <br />denied the barteflts oi, or be otherwise subjected b disrxirnirra5on under arry txoprsm or actlrity for wt>ich the AppNcarrt rocsives <br />Federal financial assistance iron the Deparltnsnt. <br />2. Section 504 of 9ie RehabNilation Ad of 1973 (Pub. L. 93-112). as amended. and aM requirements imposed by or pursuant b fhe <br />Regulation of the Depertrnent of Heatlh and tirrrran SeMces (45 C.F.R. Part 84). b the end that, h accordance wNh Sedion 504 of <br />that Ad and the Regulation, no otl~erwise quaNfied handicapped irrdivktual in the United States shadl, solely by reason of f4s handicap. <br />be excluded horn partldpatlon In, be denied the benefits of. or be subjected b disahllnatlon urxler any program or actNity <br />for which the AppNcent -eceNes Federal tirreno3el iron the Departrnerrt. <br />Title IX of the Edrrcatlonal Amendments of 1972 (Pub. L. 92-318j, ss amended, and sA -equirerrrents imposed by or pursuant b the <br />Regulaton of the Dspartrrrsnt of tfeakh and Human Servbes (45 C.F.R. Part t16), b the end diet, M accordance with Title IX and the <br />Regtrlatlon, no person h the United States ahatl, an the basis d sex. be exofuded tFom patldpation in. De denied the benelks oi, or <br />be otlrerwise subjsded b ~saifnM+atlon under any education program or ariihrity for which the AppifcaM receives Federal tinarxial <br />assistance from the Dsparbnerk. <br />4. The Aga DispbnRretion Ad of 1975 (Pub. L 94-155). as anended. and aN requirements Nnpoeed by or pursuant b tiw Regulation of <br />the Departrrrart of HesNh and Fkrrnerr Services (45 C.F.R Part 91), b the end Brat, in acoorclarrce with the Ad and the Regulation, no <br />person in ttre United Sues shah. on the bask of arge, be denied the berwfits of, be excluded from patldpation in, a be subjected b <br />discrirrrinalion under any progrem or sctlNty for whir;h tlrs Appicarrt reoeNes Federal financfed assistance fiom the Depsrtrrrent. <br />The AppNcant agrees that ConpNaroe wNh tlds assurance oortitiprles a oondtlbn of oontlrwsd receipt of Federal 1nancial aafstance, and that it <br />~ bindkp ~ be Apptlcant, ICe suoce~ors, transferees and assignees ta- the perbd during which such assiatarr~ is provided. Ii arty real <br />properly a atnrcttrre thereon b provWed or improved with the aid of Fedad finarckl assidar-ce exlerrded b tfrs Apptlcasrt by ~ . <br />tlrls assurance shah obN~te the AppNcant, or Yt the case of any transfer ~ such properly, arty transferee. for the perbd during which the real <br />property or stnrcture is used for a purpose for which fhe Federal financial arssistaroe b ex0ended or for awlhsr purpose lnvdvirg tlrs provision <br />of similar Cervices or berrelils. M any personal property is so provided, tlris assuraros shah obligate the /IppNcarrt for the period during which it <br />retains ownersirp a pcesesaon of the propariy. The nppNcsnt lbrtlrer rooogniaes and agrees that the united states atraM have the right b seek <br />judicial enbresment of this assurance. <br />T~ P«~ or t vrlroCe sigrwbrre(s) appsa(a) below islaro autlrorized b sgn this wsuraros, and commit the AppNcant b the above <br />provisions. <br />~"-tl" <br />pAaN Farm b: <br />DHHS/08ioe for Civil Rights <br />Office of Program Operador-s <br />Flrxnplxey Building. Room 509E <br />200 indepsndenoe Ave., S.W. <br />Washingbn, D.C. 20201 <br />,l ~ r. <br />.~ ,: <br />Signshrre and~~Titls dr 14rNrortz~ 1711iCiad ~ ~ <br />IZOSewla,r L. S~t,w,iM~rS <br />Name of Apptlcant ar <br />p0 W/ . ~1 P~prl ~f~'. <br />SMt- - <br />cltr, slat., zlp cad. <br />Form HHS-680 <br />5/97 <br />