2009-060 Health - State of NC Health Dept
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2009-060 Health - State of NC Health Dept
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Last modified
7/20/2009 1:28:31 PM
Creation date
7/20/2009 1:28:29 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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co..otrn.a no.....~ - R..i <br />Page 12 of t9 <br />~~ The State shall provide support and consultation to the public health workforce in local health departments, <br />including regional public health consultants who offer technical assistance and training on professional <br />devebpment; program planning, program evaluation and quality assurance; data collection; and community <br />assesroterrt. <br />S. The State shall act as the principal liaison between the gublic health system and the state's Medicaid agency <br />on issues related to Medicaid reimbursed services provided by the state and local public bealth agencies and <br />shall cooperate with the state Medicaid agency to provide technical assistance, guidance, and consultation to <br />local health programs to ensure compliance with Medicaid policies and procedures. <br />9 The State Mall design and implement annual cost sNdies to ensure appropriate cost-based Medicaid <br />reimbursement. <br />10 The State shall work with the NC Division of Information Resource Management to provide automated <br />systems and facilities via the Heahh Services Information System (HSIS) and the new Health Infom~ation <br />System (HIS), when implemented HSIS is currently used to createand submit Medicaid claims, perform <br />accounts roceivables, and to collect other DPH program-related data from client, service, encounter and <br />other data on behalf of the local health departments and other public healhh programs. The State shall <br />providc business and technical support for the suteymatod systems to the users of these systems. <br />The State shall provide support and consultation b costae that the Health Information System (HIS) can <br />generate standard transactions fm public health Medicaid claims and (once HIS is implerttented) fa public <br />health claims to all insurers submitted on behalf of the local health departments per H1PAA [the <br />Administrative Simplification provisions of the Heahh Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 <br />(P.L. 104-91) subparts I through N, which define the stmtdards for specific transactions.) <br />12. The State shall responsibly use data reviewed and received in its role as a public health authority and health <br />oversight agency while respecting the oonfidtantiality and integrity of the data and securing and protecting <br />the privacy of individual client health information (see Business Associate Addendum to this Consolidated <br />Agreement) <br />13. The State (DPH) shall provide to the Department "Estimates of Funding Allocations" no later than February <br />15 of each yt~r to use in preparation of their local budgd proposals per current GS. <br />14. The State (DENR-DEH) shall provide to the Department the "Budget Form" (DENR 2948) indicating the <br />estimated funding allocations no later than March 30"' of each year to use in the preparation of their local <br />budgd proposals per current GS. <br />16. The State (DHHS) shall provide a "Funding Authorization" to the Department aflex the receipt of the <br />Certified State Budget. Fonda must be appropriately budgeted by the Stale in the NC Accounting System <br />INCAS) prior to the issuance of the "Funding Authorization." <br />17. The State (DENR-DEH) shall provide a final Budget Form to the Department after receipt of the Certified <br />Statc Budget. <br />18. The State (DPHj shall provide funds to the Department upon receipt of this executed agreement and timely <br />submissions of Expenditume Reports. Payment will be made to We Departrneat according to the DHHS <br />Controller's Office E-Payment Schedule issued November or Deecmber of each year for the following <br />calendar•year. <br />19. The State (DENR--DEH) shall provide funds monthly to the Department upon toceipt of the executed Budget <br />Forms, Addenda and timcly submissions of monthly expenditure reports. Payments will be made to the <br />Departmatt according to expenditures reflected on the monthly Expenditure Reports. <br />
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