Orange County NC Website
23 <br />Exhibit C <br />AN ACT TO ADD THE STATUS OF HETEROSEXUALITY, HOMOSEXUALITY AND <br />BISEXUALITY TO THOSE CLASSIFICATIONS AUTHORIZED TO BE PROTECTED <br />BY AN ORANGE COUNTY CIVIL RIGHTS ORDINANCE <br />The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: <br />Section 1. Section 14 of Chapter 358 of the 1993 Session <br />Laws is amended as follows: <br />Paragraph (a) of Section 6 of Chapter 246, Session Laws of <br />1991, reads as rewritten: <br />"(a) The Board of Commissioners of Orange County (hereafter <br />"Board of Commissioners") may adopt an ordinance (hereafter "the <br />Ordinance") to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, <br />and public accommodations on the basis of race, color, religion, <br />gender, national origin, age, disability, marital status, <br />familial status a~ veteran status, heterosexuality, <br />homosexuality and bisexuality. <br />The Board of Commissioners may include in the Ordinance a <br />prohibition of language or conduct or both directed at an <br />individual or at a group of individuals because of that <br />individual's or group of individuals' actual or perceived race, <br />color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, <br />marital status, familial status ~ veteran statusjā€˛ <br />heterosexuality homosexuality and bisexuality which communicates <br />in a threatening manner words that insight imminent lawless <br />action or which tend to insight an immediate breach of the <br />peace." <br />Sec. 2. This act applies only to Orange County. <br />Sec. 3. This act is effective upon ratification. <br />lsg-8 <br />hetsex.exC <br />