Orange County NC Website
16 <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />RESOLUTION REGARDING <br />LEGISLATIVE MATTERS <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Orange <br />County that the Board hereby requests the Senators and <br />Representatives representing Orange County to introduce and <br />support the following legislative matters: <br />1. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE ORANGE COUNTY TO LEVY AN EXCISE TAX <br />ON INSTRUMENTS CONVEYING REAL PROPERTY IN ORANGE COUNTY (Exhibit <br />A to this Resolution). <br />2. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE ORANGE COUNTY TO ADOPT AN <br />ENTERTAINMENT TAX ON EVENTS AT LARGE FACILITIES IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />(Exhibit B to this Resolution). <br />3. AN ACT TO ADD THE STATUS OF HETEROSEXUALITY, <br />HOMOSEXUALITY AND BISEXUALITY TO THOSE CLASSIFICATIONS AUTHORIZED <br />TO BE PROTECTED BY AN ORANGE COUNTY CIVIL RIGHTS ORDINANCE <br />(Exhibit C to this Resolution). <br />4. AN ACT TO CLARIFY THE AUTHORITY OF ORANGE COUNTY TO <br />REGULATE THE USE, STORAGE, DISPOSAL, LABELING, OR APPLICATION OF <br />PESTICIDES IN AREAS SUBJECT TO REGULATION BY THE NORTH CAROLINA <br />PESTICIDE BOARD IN EXERCISING ITS PLANNING AND ZONING AUTHORITY <br />UNDER ARTICLE 18 OF CHAPTER 153A OF THE GENERAL STATUTES (Exhibit <br />D to this Resolution). <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County requests its legislative delegation to support: <br />1. the continuation of the Smart Start Program and the <br />initiative of the Governor to improve the Smart Start Program and <br />expand its availability within the State of North Carolina; <br />