Orange County NC Website
1 9 . 1.... Pi( F PROPOSED NSA ORDINAI�IC . L' <br />..............�......... <br />1 1. Tree species diversity, exceptional tracts of forest land <br />2 <br />3 2. Rare occurrences (i.e. Upland Depression Swamp) <br />4 <br />5 3. Wildlife <br />6 a. Audubon annual bird count <br />7 b. Deer population <br />8 <br />9 (3) Use the studies above as the basis of its development of, and recommendations for, <br />10 additional policies, objectives, goals, plans, ordinances, and administrative actions <br />11 that will preserve and enhance that special character, and relate to its growth. <br />12 (4) Develop and recommend. to the Board of Aldermen policies, ordinances, <br />13 administrative procedures and other means for carrying out plans in an efficient and <br />14 coordinated manner. <br />15 (5) Track and review other studies and plans that will have an impact on the Northern <br />16 Study Area — including those of the Chapel Hill Town Council, The Orange County <br />17 Board of County Commissioners and their appointed committees — and give feedback <br />18 to the originating governing body. <br />19 (6) Meet annually with the Carrboro Planning Board for a joint planning session. <br />20 (7) Perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Aldermen. <br />21 <br />22 SECTION 25. Article XVIII is amended by adding a sentence to Section 15- 291(f) as follows: <br />23 <br />24 "In addition, the Board of Aldermen may authorize a reduction of up to 25 percent in the <br />25 parking requirement when approving a Village Mixed Use Master Plan or Conditional Use <br />26 Permit or an Office /Assembly development Conditional Use Permit. Land necessary to meet <br />27 the full, presumptive, parking requirement must be identified during the plan approval <br />28 process and must be reserved should the need for additional parking arise in the future." <br />29 <br />30 SECTION 26. A new appendix (J) is added to the Land Use Ordinance. This .appendix provides <br />31 examples of noise - generators. <br />32 <br />33 SECTION 27. A new section is added to Article XI, Supplementary Use Regulations, as follows: <br />34 <br />35 Section 15 -177 Architectural Standards for Major Subdivisions <br />36 <br />37 (a) The following standards shall apply to all subdivisions of 5 or more units and shall pertain to <br />38 90% of the dwelling units in the subdivision. <br />39 <br />40 (1) Porches shall span 80% of the front fagade. <br />41 <br />42 (2) Roofs shall be as follows: <br />43 a. Main roof pitch —10/12 to 12/12 <br />44 b. Lower roof pitches — 3/12 to 4/12 <br />45 C. Roofs shall have a minimum overhang of sixteen (16) inches on all eaves and <br />46 gables. <br />Page 32 of 33 <br />