Agenda - 01-19-1999 - Attachment 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-19-1999
Agenda - 01-19-1999 - Attachment 3
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Last modified
8/5/2015 11:29:58 AM
Creation date
7/17/2009 4:35:05 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Attachment 3
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Minutes - 19990119
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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i jg dY� i•^ fi .- <br />� 11 zt, 4 Fri COSY F PROPyOSED NSA ORDINANCE <br />..... �S e... .,.....:::.... ' :....,.. a.... <br />1 areas are not divided into numerous small parcels located in various parts of the <br />2 development. To the greatest extent practicable, this land shall be designed as a <br />3 single block with logical, straightforward boundaries. Long thin strips of <br />4 conservation land shall be avoided, unless the conservation feature is linear or <br />5 unless such configuration is necessary to connect with other streams or trails. The <br />6 open space shall generally abut existing or potential open space land on adjacent <br />7 parcels, and shall be designed as part of larger, contiguous, and integrated <br />8 greenway systems, as per the policies in the Open Space and Recreation section of <br />9 the Town's Ordinance. <br />10 <br />11 SECTION 18. Subsection 15- 263(a)(2) is amended to read as follows: <br />12 <br />13 (a) All developments shall be constructed and maintained so that they do not cause damage to <br />14 other properties with their surface waters. To achieve this objective, the potential impacts <br />15 on surface water quantity and quality from all proposed developments requiring special use <br />16 or conditional use permits shall be identified and evaluated by the town engineer, staff and <br />17 the environmental advisory board. The developer shall implement mitigation measures as <br />18 are determined to be necessary, based upon the results of this evaluation, to prevent or <br />19 lessen the predicted impacts. Potential impacts to be evaluated may include, but are not <br />20 limited to, backwater effects on upstream properties, increased volumes or rates of <br />21 stormwater flow, offsite sedimentation, erosion and/or ground -cover loss downstream, <br />22 increased scouring of any downstream streambed, lowered quality of water due to the <br />23 pollutants carried in runoff, or any damage that materially injures the value of adjoining or <br />24 abutting property. The area of study is not limited to the property being developed. <br />25 <br />26 The Town will develop general technical criteria for the study of development impacts and <br />27 the implementation of mitigation measures to be used for the evaluation of proposed <br />28 development. The criteria will be updated periodically, as deemed appropriate. <br />29 <br />30 SECTION 19. Article XVI is amended by adding a new Section 15 -269 to read as follows: <br />31 <br />32 Section 15 -269 Buffers in Northern Transition Area <br />33 <br />34 (a) The Board finds that: <br />35 (1) Soil and pollutants carried overland, primarily from roads, trails and land <br />36 disturbing activities, can be effectively trapped by leaving a relatively <br />37 undisturbed strip of vegetation parallel and adjacent to the watercourse. <br />38 (2) Properly managed overland water flow can be directed into this buffer in a <br />39 manner that will reduce velocity and cause dispersion of the water. <br />40 (3) Sediments and associated pollutants carried by the water will settle out as a <br />41 result of this slowing and dispersion process. <br />42 (b) For purposes of this section, the Transition Area portion of the Carrboro Joint <br />43 Development Area as identified in the Joint Planning Agreement dated November <br />(Page 27 of 33 <br />
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