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11/19%98 R�AFT�COPY OF P_ROPOSE;DgNSA OvRDtNANE.....:: <br />As such, property may be placed within this district only in response to a petition by <br />the owners of all the property to be included. <br />b. There shall be no minimum size for this district and no single, contiguous tract in <br />excess of five (5) acres may be rezoned to a O/A CU district. <br />C. As indicated in the Table of Permissible Uses, the only permissible use within an O/A <br />CU district is an office /assembly planned development, and an office /assembly <br />planned development is permissible only in an O/A CU district. <br />1. The applicant for an office /assembly planned development conditional use <br />permit shall specify which of the use classifications generally permissible <br />with an O/A district the applicant wants to make permissible within the <br />proposed O/A CU district. <br />2. Once a conditional use permit authorizing an office /assembly planned <br />development has been issued, then individual tenants or occupants of the <br />spaces or properties covered by the permit may occupy or use such individual <br />spaces or properties without need for additional zoning, special use, or <br />conditional use permits, so long as such use or occupancy is consistent with <br />the approved conditional use permit including limitations on permissible use <br />classifications approved pursuant to subsection 1 above or other conditions or <br />limitations imposed as conditions pursuant to Section 15 -59. <br />3. Uses within the O/A CU district shall be limited to those where loading and <br />unloading occurs during daylight hours only. <br />d. When an O/A CU rezoning petition is submitted (in accordance with Article XX of <br />this chapter), the applicant shall simultaneously submit a conditional use permit <br />application for an office /assembly planned development. <br />1. The rezoning and conditional use permit applications shall be processed and <br />reviewed concurrently. <br />2. The board of aldermen shall simultaneously conduct a public hearing on the <br />rezoning and conditional use permit applications, in accordance with the <br />procedures applicable to other conditional use permit applications. <br />3. If the Board concludes in the exercise of its legislative discretion that the <br />proposed rezoning would not be consistent with the public health, safety, or <br />welfare, it may deny the application in accordance with the same procedures <br />applicable to any ordinance amendment request. <br />4. The Board may not approve the rezoning application unless it simultaneously <br />approves a conditional use permit for an office /assembly planned <br />development, which permit may be issued subject to reasonable conditions <br />(Page 21 of 33 <br />