Agenda - 01-19-1999 - Attachment 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-19-1999
Agenda - 01-19-1999 - Attachment 2
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025 <br />JOINT PLANNING AGREEMENT AMENDMENT <br />WHEREAS, Orange County, the Town of Chapel Hill, and the Town of Carrboro entered into a <br />Joint Planning Agreement, dated September 22, 1987, as amended April 2, 1990; and <br />WHEREAS, A Small Area Plan that provides a framework for the future use of land within <br />Carrboro's northern growth area was accepted by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen on August 19,1997; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Small Area Plan was the product of a four year planning process that involved <br />numerous public officials, planners, and residents of the affected area culminating in a two-day <br />facilitated workshop sponsored by Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro, and <br />WHEREAS, the geographic area covered by the Small Area Plan includes Carrboro's Transition <br />Area as identified in the Joint Planning Agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, implementation of the recommendations contained in the Small Area Plan requires <br />certain amendments to the Joint Planning Agreement; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Joint Planning Agreement is hereby amended as follows: <br />1. Section 1.2 (Definitions) of the Agreement is amended by deleting from subsection H <br />("Transition Area") everything after the first three sentences. (The deleted language divides Carrboro's <br />Transition Area into Transition Area I and Transition Area II and prohibits the density of Transition <br />Area II from exceeding one unit per acre until at least 75% of the area within Transition Area I meets <br />certain developmental thresholds). <br />2. Section 2.1 (Standards Within the Transition Area) of the Agreement is amended by <br />deleting the last sentence of paragraph B, which provides- "Transition Area II shall have density <br />limited pursuant to Section 1.2H." <br />3. Subsection 2.6E of the Agreement is amended by rewriting the second sentence and by <br />adding a new third sentence to read as follows- "With respect to property that is located within the <br />CJDA Transition area, changes in zoning classifications, other than changes to the "floating" <br />conditional use districts designed to implement the recommendations of the "Facilitated Small Area <br />Plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area (i.e. changes to Carrboro's Traditional Neighborhood <br />conditional use district or Office/Assembly conditional use district) may not be made unless and until <br />an ordinance approving such zoning map amendment has been approved both by Orange County and <br />Carrboro following a joint public hearing by the two governing bodies. Changes to the foregoing <br />conditional use districts within the CJDA Transition area may be approved by Carrboro without <br />Orange County's concurrence, but subject to the provisions of Section 2.3 of this Agreement regarding <br />permit administration." <br />THIS AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT PLANNING AGREEMENT is entered into <br />this day of 1998. <br />
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