Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT B 30 <br />11.9 %98xD�RF�T ^COPY OFPROP ;COSED!NSAzO.RD.tI�IAI�I :� <br />Cotoneaster horizontalis Rockspray Cotoneaster <br />Crataegus monogyna Singleseed Hawthorn_:' <br />Crataegus laevigata English Hawthorn }` <br />All Cytisus scoparius Scotch Broom �= <br />Eleagaus angustifolia Russian Olive <br />Eleagnus umbellata Autumn Olive <br />Euonymus alatus Winged Euonoymus, Burning Bush <br />Euonymus japonicus Japanese Euonymus <br />Hedera helix English Ivy <br />All Ligustrum species including <br />Ligustrum japonicum Japanese Privet <br />Ligustrum lucidum Waxleaf Privet <br />Ligustrum vulgare European Privet <br />Ligustrum sinense Ciiinese Privet <br />Ligustrim x vicari Golden Vicary Privet <br />Lonicera maackii Bush Honeysuckle <br />Loaicera nitida Boxleaf Honeysuckle <br />Lonicera tatarica Tatarian Honeysuckle <br />Miscanthus sinensis Eulalia, Maiden Grass <br />Taxes cuspidate Japanese Yew <br />Viburnum opulus , European Cranberrybush Viburnum <br />Vince major Large Periwinkle <br />Vinca minor Common Periwinkle <br />SECTION 24. Article III is amended by adding a new Section 15 -27 to read as follows: <br />Section 15 -27 Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee <br />(a) There shall be a Northern Transition Area advisory committee consisting of five members <br />appointed by the board of aldermen. All members shall be residents of the Northern Transition Area For <br />the purposes of this section, the Northern Transition Area shall include those unannexed portions of the <br />Northern Study Area_ The Northern Study Area is defined as follows: <br />The boundaries of this area are Carrboro's joint planning jurisdiction line to the north and <br />Carrboro's Town limits to the south. The Carrboro /Chapel Hill joint planning jurisdiction <br />line serves as the boundary to the east. It begins north of Eubanks Road, follows Rogers <br />Road to Homestead, then proceeds southwest on Homestead road to High School Road <br />and finally turns south and east to the railroad right -of -way. A primary ridge line serves <br />as the northwest boundary line just east of Union Grove Church Road down to Dairyland <br />Road, where the road serves as the boundary heading southeast until it intersects, and Old <br />NC 86 serves as the boundary then turning southeast and running along Hillsborough <br />Road to Greensboro Street. <br />(b) Members of the committee shall be appointed for three year staggered terms, but members <br />may continue to serve until their successors have been appointed. Initially, the terms of all membership seats <br />on the committee shall expire on January 31, 1999. Thereafter, two members shall be appointed for three- <br />