Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COIiNTY <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF GEOGRAPHIC <br />INFORMATION SYSTEMS DATA <br />This contract is made this _ day of , 1999, by and between , <br />a corporation existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of hereinafter <br />referred to as "Customer" and the Town of Carrboro, a North Carolina body politic and <br />corporate, hereinafter referred to as "Town". <br />WHEREAS, Customer desires to purchase certain Geographic Information Systems <br />(GIS) data developed by Town and Town desires to sell certain GIS data to Customer. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and obligations <br />hereunder, the parties to this contact do hereby agree as follows: <br />TOWN AGREES: <br />To provide Customer with existing GIS data. The data being requested are as follows: <br />as specifically itemized on Schedule A (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Data"). This <br />agreement applies only to GIS data that are being or have already been developed by Town. <br />Town has no obligation under this agreement to specially develop new GIS data for Customer. <br />CUSTOMER AGREES: <br />To pay Town a sum of Dollars ($ )for services rendered pursuant to this <br />agreement and in accordance with the payment provisions described herein. This sum represents <br />the actual cost to Town of reproducing the Data for Customer. <br />That any Data provided by Town under this agreement is the property of Town, this <br />purchase of Data and- the price agreed to is for the Data to be used by the Customer only, and <br />that the purchased Data will not be resold or otherwise used for trade or commercial purposes, as <br />provided in NC General Statutes § 132-10. <br />AMENDMENTS: <br />Any amendments or modifications to this agreement must be made in writing and must <br />be signed by all parties to this agreement. <br />LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: <br />In the event the Customer effects a breach of this agreement by selling, sharing or <br />otherwise using the provided Data for commercial purposes not authorized under this agreement, <br />it^W ............................................................... .............................................. ................ <br />~~~-r-..`GIS CuSTOMtR COn~7RncP PAGE 1 of 3 TOWN Df GA1cKBpRo <br />