Orange County NC Website
4. That the Contractor is an equal opportunity employer and it is in compliance with all laws and <br />regulations governing the requirements of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, the Department of Labor and <br />Title VI of the Civil Rights Ad of 1964. The Contractor hereby assures that it shall comply with Title VII of the <br />Civil Rights Act to the end that no person shall, on the grounds of age, race, creed, sex, s national origin be <br />excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be otherwise subjected to discrimination under this <br />contract or under any project, program a activity supported by this contract. <br />The nondiscrimination clause contained in Section 202 Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive <br />Order 11375, relating to Equal Employment Opportunity for all persons without regazd to race, color, religion, sex, <br />age s national origin and the implementing rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor, aze <br />incorporated herein. <br />Program for Employment of the Handicapped (Affirmative Action); regulations issued by the Secretary of <br />Labor of the United States in Title 20, Part 741, Chapter VI, subchapter "c" of We Code of Federal Regulation, <br />pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order 11758 and Section 503 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and <br />the American Disabilities Act of 1992 are incorporated herein. <br />5. That the Contractor warrants and certifies that it is in full compliance with the Drug-Free <br />Workplace Act of 1988; <br />6. TERM: That the term of this contract shall be for the period of time beginning January 1, 1999 <br />and shall continue until February 28, 1999, unless terminated pursuant to We terms of this contract contained <br />hereinafter; <br />7. TERMINATION: If the Contractor shall fail to perform its contractual obligations and duties, <br />after having been given a reasonable opportunity to do so, County shall thereupon have the right to terminate this <br />contract by mailing written notice to the Contracts of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. A <br />reasonable opportunity to perform under this contract is defined as within (15) days of the date of notification. <br />In the event of termination fs default, the Contracts shall be paid fs services provided and accepted by <br />County. <br />If the contract is terminated fs default, the Contracts shall be liable to County fs any damages sustained <br />by County. <br />County may terminate without cause in whole s in part whenever for any reason, in its sole discretion, <br />County shall determine that such termination is in County's best interest. If County terminates this contract fs <br />convenience, the Contractor shall be paid fs services as set forth in this contract. <br />The Contracts may terminate this contract in writing at any time with 30 days notice to Cotmty. If the <br />Contractor as provided herein terminates the contract, the Contracts shall not be liable fs any damages that aze <br />attributable in whole s in part to County's failure to perform its responsibilities. <br />8. MODIFICATION IN WRITING: That this contract may be modified upon mutual consent of <br />both parties by a written amendment at any time; <br />9. ASSIGNMENT: That this contract, s any right hereunder, shall not be assigned by any party, <br />ns any duty hereunder delegated by any party without the written consent of the other party, and such assignment <br />ands delegation without said consent shall be void; <br />10. JURISDICTION/CONTROLLING LAW: That this contract shall be governed and construed in <br />accsdance with the laws of the State of North Cazolina. All actions relating in any way to this contract shall be <br />brought in the General Court of Justice of the State of North Carolina, venue to be in Orange County, North <br />Cazolina; <br />2 <br />