Orange County NC Website
<br />2A-The News of Orange County,•Hillsborough, NC, Wednesday, January 13,1999 <br />Industrial park proposed ' <br />between Old and New 86 <br />By DeAnna Overmans <br />The News of Orange County <br />Boots Elam, of the. design firm <br />Elam, Todd and d'Ambrosi, on be- <br />half of the Law Offices of Arthur J. <br />Berk, brought a propcsal for an in- <br />dustrial park southeast and adjacent <br />to Hillsborough, between NorthCaro- <br />Tina Highway 86 and Old 86 and <br />north of Interstate 40, to the Hillsbor- <br />ough Town Commissioners at Mon- <br />day night's board meeting. <br />Elam described the park as amixed- <br />use, planned area development with <br />offices, retail stores, hotels, clean <br />manufacturing companies and hous- <br />ing. <br />Arthur Berk is the .trustee rt;pre- <br />senting the 347 acre plan, which is <br />not. yet named and still in its devel- <br />opmental stages. <br />Elam presented what plans are cur- <br />rently established and requested the <br />board consider annexing their park <br />into the town of Hillsborough. <br />The board directed the town staff <br />to start work on preparation of an <br />annexation feasibility study. <br />- Also attending Monday night's <br />meeting was Lieutenant Judy Jacobs <br />and the Fairview Community Polic- <br />ing Center Committee. <br />Jacobs is head. of the Community <br />Policing Program. <br />The committee brought before the <br />board a proposal for the Fairview <br />Community Policing Center. <br />"The center would serve as a com- <br />munity policing center, a satellite <br />office location for government ser- <br />vices [town and county], and would <br />have a meeting room that would be <br />openfor use by community groups," <br />Jacobs explained. <br />Town Manager Eric Peterson <br />showed the board preliminary maps <br />of the layout of the center and the <br />location of the building on the <br />Fairview Park property. <br />Mayor Horace Johnson thanked <br />the committee for forming and pre- <br />senting the information about the <br />center and said that the board would <br />now move forward with presenting <br />the idea to the Orange County Board <br />of Commissioners. <br />The third and final report brought <br />before the board was presented by <br />Alison Weiner of the Chapel Hill <br />Land Trust Implementation Task <br />Force. <br />A Community Land Trust is a pri- <br />vate non-profit membership organi- <br />zation, made up of concerned citi- <br />zens,created toacquire and hold land <br />for future generations. <br />Weiner explained to the board that <br />the Land Trust would bring afford- <br />able housing to Orange County. <br />The board presented a Resolution <br />in Memory of Magnolia Satterfield <br />to her grand daughter Helen Chavis. <br />Mrs. Satterfield passed away Fri- <br />day, September 11, 1998. <br />In other business,: the board ap- <br />proved aproclamation proclaiming <br />the official recognition of Feb. 2, <br />1999, as Groundhog Job Shadow Day <br />in Hillsborough, approved Jack <br />Hughes for a second term on the <br />Planning. Board, approved the con- <br />sideration for a resolution to create a <br />capitol reserve fund, and approved <br />consideration of a position descrip- <br />tion for Police Lieutenant/Training <br />Coordinator. <br />