Orange County NC Website
RESOULTION OF COOPERATIVE EFFORTS TO DEVELOP A PARR <br />WHEREAS, on May 17, 1995, the Orange County Board of <br />Coauaissioners and the Hillsborough Town Commissioners <br />endorsed a cooperative effort to develop a-park south of the <br />New Courthouse on county property; and <br />WHEREAS, interest has been expressed by the Hillsborough <br />Chamber of Commerce and the Hillsborough Historic Alliance to <br />participate in such a project; and, <br />WHEREAS, such an effort will increase recreational <br />opportunities for the citizens of Hillsborough and Orange <br />County. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners and the Hillsborough Town Commis- <br />sioners hereby establish a work group consisting of two (2) <br />representatives from each of the following:. <br />Tha Town of Hillsborough <br />Orange County <br />The Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce <br />The Alliance .for Historic Hillsborough <br />AND FURTHERMORE, that this work group will be charged <br />with developing a Park Scope and Plan with financing <br />alternatives and a proiected budget which does not require <br />C~llT1~ V 1R[5T1AV f`AY x71.11 ~•~ 1 nVMeTii i t..vse+ <br />AND FURTHERMORE, that the Town Manager, County Manager <br />and respective staff with assistance from the.State Planning <br />Office support the efforts of the work group. <br />AND FINALLY, that the work group report on its efforts <br />within six zaonths of this resolutions adoption. <br />Moses Carey, 1r., chair <br />Oran County Board of C mmissioners <br />r <br />Date <br />ce Johnson, ayor Town of <br />Hillsborough <br />S~.pT- 13 , 19 9~- <br />Date <br />