Orange County NC Website
<br />RIVER PARR STATUS REPORT <br />• In 1995 representatives of several organizations including the Town of Hillsborough, <br />Chamber of Commerce, Alliance for Historic.~Iillsborough began work to develop <br />approximately 5 acres of park land behind tl~e new Courthouse near the Eno River. <br />• In the summer of 1995 the Town and County Commissioners signed a resolution of <br />cooperative effort to develop this properly. <br />• A work group was formed to prepare a tentative design of the Park. A color <br />rendering was prepared and approved in the Spring of 1996 <br />• In March of 1997 cost estimates for construction were presented at a joint meeting of <br />both Boards. Amenities that were identified estimated costing approximately <br />$250,000. <br />• Though total funding for this park has not been. identified, some expenditures have <br />occurred. <br />County Purchased F3artow Property in 1990 = $61,363 <br />County cleared property and seeded area in 1994 = $16,838 <br />County shared in cost of fill dirt removal in September, 1998 = $ 1,800 <br />Total to Date $80,001 <br />Town of Hillsborough has committed $50,000 over two (2) years some of which <br />assisted to pay for ftlling in the old pond. The Preservation Fund of Hillsborough <br />has committed $10,000. <br />In Spring of 1997 the Occaneechi Tribe began their efforts to build their Palisade near <br />the river. <br />• The Park work group continued efforts to Fund the project identifying foundations for <br />possible assistance and gaining assistance from the County Soil and Water <br />Conservation Department. <br />• Soil and Water Staff acquired an engineer with the Resource Conservation Service to <br />survey and develop a comprehensive restoration plan for the creek meandering. <br />through the property. The first site visit was in June of 1997. Projections for the Meld <br />survey was to be completed in the fall of 1998 and the restoration plan to be <br />completed by Winter, 1999. <br />• 1n .iune of 1997 the County Commissioners forn~ally approved the property to be a <br />park site. <br />• to July, 1997 the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough applied to a foundation for <br />flrncling the constnrction of the $84,000 performance pavilion but was not successful. <br />