Orange County NC Website
RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE IiILLSBOROUGH PARKING COPiMITTEE cont . ~ ~; <br />GOALS ~ IMPLEPIENTATION CONSIDERING BODY, TYPE <br />Increase enforcement - recommended changes for consideration: Town of Hillsborough immediate ~. <br />of parking regulations - change type of enforcement action <br /> from civil to criminal <br /> . increase the fine for violations <br /> to $25.00 ' <br /> - publicize the enforcement procedures <br />' - enforce on a consistent basis and if <br /> necessary, request additional, <br /> part-time help for full-scale <br /> enforcement <br />Make public .parking - design a coordinated sign program Downtown Revitalization immediate <br />easier to identify - provide a parking brochure Chamber of Commerce immediate <br />Make parking and - actively seek an immediate eastern Town of Hillsborough immediate <br />traffic movement bypass to eliminate heavy truck Orange County <br />efficient and through traffic <br />. <br /> to make back door <br />-: request vendors All immediate <br /> deliveries when possible <br /> - make'the alleys serviceable for All immediate <br /> deliveries and vehicles <br /> - encourage and develop rear lot All constant <br /> parking lots <br />Improve pedestrian - paint a pedestrian crossing on Town of Hillsborough immediate <br />safety middle of N. Churton St. per~map <br /> - paint pedestrian crosswalks at Town of Hillsborough immediate <br /> intersections ' <br /> - repair broken curbing and Town of Hillsborough immediate <br /> sidewalk <br />Improve handicap - remove handicap spaces from Town of Hillsborough immediate <br /> N. Churton St. and provide safe CCB <br /> spaces at nearby parking lots NCNB <br />~.., <br />'~ <br />R'~ <br />To monitor and - meet again on ~°a '~~~Y+~e-~~, 1990 Parking Committee <br /> <br />increase awareness <br />at the Village Diner ~ .,. <br />_• <br />~. <br />of parking issues - keep parking considerations All constant ' <br /> foremost in mind when planning <br /> and reviewing new work <br />