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61 <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked what would be the consequences to the <br />other counties should Orange County withdraw from the district in regard <br />to the on-going programs. <br />Mr. Johnson replied that the only effect he could speak to would 'be <br />the effect of cost. He added that the Counties could assume that the <br />administrative, cost would increase. <br />Mr. Gustaveson asked if Mr. Johnson knew of other counties who were <br />not part of a district, but had joint programs to provide professional <br />services through an inter-local agreement. <br />Mr. Johnson stated he know of services being provided only in the <br />administrative area. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson inquired if Mr. Johnson had any experience <br />of negative impact to other counties in terms of programs. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that there would be little ar no effect, except <br />the fact that since Orange County had the Medical Center located here, <br />it could be more difficult for other counties within the district to <br />obtain the special medical expertise, since the Medical School would no <br />longer be within their district. This is a concern particularly within <br />the Prenatal Program. <br />Chairman Whitted summarized Mr. Johnson's presentation. He stated <br />that from what he had heard, should the district split, there would nd~. <br />be any serious curtailment of programs provided by the State in the District. <br />The increase cost would be in administrative cast of personnel. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked if it was not true that there was a cost <br />saving by use of district personnel. Mr. Johnson replied, "yes". <br />Chairman Whitted asked Dr. Fuller the number of personnel that is shared <br />by more than one county within the district. <br />Dr. Fuller stated there was a nurse supervisor, an assistant supervisor, <br />a sanitarian and health director, two secretaries, one physical therapist, <br />one health educator, a dental hygienist and a dentist. . <br />Mr. Johnson stated that additional concerns were should Orange County <br />withdraw from the district, it could possible result in further split of <br />other counties from the district and a further split would cause severe <br />proglems, since the other counties were small. <br />Another concern was the existing personnel. Some serve the entire <br />district and some work only for Orange County. He added that if Orange <br />County withdrew there would be a suzplus of employees within the District <br />Health Department. These employees are those working for the district <br />within Orange County. He suggested that the Orange County Board of Commis- <br />sioners go on record stating that employees would be rehired to work for <br />the Orange County Health Department. He stated that the reasons the Orange <br />County Commissioners had stated for desiring to withdraw were somewhat <br />obscure. He urged the Board to be as specific as possible in identifying <br />the problems and to be logical in seeking a solution. <br />Chairman Whitted read a resolution from the Chatham County Board of <br />Commissioners expressing the desire that the five county health district <br />remain as it is presently constructed. <br />Representatives from Lee and Person Counties stated that their Boards <br />- of Commissioners concurred with the resolution presented from Chatham County. <br />Jack Woods, a Commissioner from Caswell County stated that Caswell <br />County had some question of the possibility of Caswell County joining with <br />Region G for health services. <br />The Orange County Finance Director reviewed with the Board a financial <br />feasibility report of the County's withdrawing from the Health District. <br />He stated that it appears that it would cost Orange County approximately <br />$-80,000 additional dollars over and aboard what is being allocated now to <br />fund a health department similar to what the County is now receiving and <br />with additional administrative staff. He added that if Orange County chose <br />to remain in the district, and to work to strengthen the present arrange- <br />ment, the cost would be approximately $42,OOD to pay for programs the County <br />had stated they desired. <br />