Orange County NC Website
28 <br />POINTS OF INTEREST <br />BAILAEUT (85� pen case) : <br />Pays cowtnae,to t4 bon s.tvu, g and Zi ZocaZ <br />ABC Boandb. <br />BAILUENi SURCHARGE (W pen case): <br />Pays bar. the annuaZ budget o6 the State ABC CommZ4.6 .on. <br />EXCISE TAX ($1.11): <br />Loca.0 ABC Board pay,& on a $8.50 bottte o6 Zi.quon. <br />BEER 9 WINE PERMITS: <br />18; <br />Arse .issued bon Zi6e and are not rcequiAed to be renewed every <br />years, as ABC perm tb are. ( Brown- gagging, Speecat Occ— u.6ion, Axed <br />Beverage) . <br />Retained 6nom the 28% Exe,i,6 e Tax , would be Ltans 6 erred in the <br />pnev.tous 60nmuZa into the ZocaZ board mark -up a -ong with the $25,000-00 <br />that Z6 >tetained 6•tom the State ABC Comm.iz4ion Budget. The p/Li ce on <br />a bo.ttte o6 Zi.quon would not change. <br />NO STATE EXCISE 114CREASE ON BEER 9 WINE SINCE 1969. <br />Loca.L ABC Boards have eompZetet j 6un.ded the State CormiAzi.on ( 1. 8 m ann --'.) <br />Budge&h nee 1982. WhZte 85$ 06 the State Comm.i.6s.L*on's wo,,L Coad iA .vi z z <br />areas o6 been and wine. <br />The purpose bon the es.tabti,shmen,t 06 the Zoeat option ABC System <br />in 1.935 was to pnov.ide a Bounce o6 revenue boa ZocaZ gove'% meet. <br />